Lecture 8 community ecology Flashcards
What is preadation/carnivory?
Prey is killed usually
predator is larger than prey
Multiple preys per preadator
What is grazing/ herbivory?
Plants being eaten, preadation on plants
What is parasitism/disease?
- Host may or may not survive
- Host generally larger than parasite
- Multiple parasites per host
What are brood parasites?
Birds that lay eggs in other bird’s next in order to save parental costs. It also involves brood mimicry. Like warbler and cuckoo
What behaviour does Lotka-Volterra model tends to look like?
Cyclic (population size on y) and time on x
Why is Lotka-voltera population graph cyclic?
Because if they are more preadtors they tend to eat more prey, which declines prey population, which also declines predators population and then as prey increase, predators also increase.
What did Huffakar’s prey and predator model show?
Number of prey on y, number of prdators on x, six-spotted mites were prey while predator mite was the predator.
What is the most common lab results with predator and prey inteactions in labs?
predator eats all the prey and the prey goes extinct. Then the predator starves and then goes extinct. (they cannot co-exist)
Why is lotka-voltera model for predator and prey not usual?
- in real life, predator eats many species of prey, so they do not run out of food.
-Other factors are not included in lotka-voltera model, as hares might go extict because of heavy browsing
-Social stresses in over crowded population
most natural cycles have complex causes
Why is measeals outbreak cyclic?
Not because of lotka-voltera model for predator and prey
-Because humans can get immunity, they tend to have lower rates
-but when babies are born they are not having immunity which causes outbreak.
What does coevolution mean?
Species might reciprocally adapt to each other
What is Red Queen Hypothesis?
It describes antagonistic coevolution between predator and prey, as the prey adapts, the predator also adapts. Fundamentally, doesn’t change the number of predators and prey.
What is an example of Red Queen hypothesis?
Gartner snake and rough skin newts
What is a life dinner principle?
Prey evolves faster than the predator. (like fox can reproduce after hunting a rabbit, while rabbit cannot)
What are inducible defences?
like immune system, plants secondary chemicals, prey morphology, and behaviour and
What happened when john Paine removed the predator star fish?
Musscles out grew its number and eradicated algae etc.
What is enemy release hypothesis?
Invader species leave their predators in their native range, hence they out grow in this new range.
What is a direct life cycle?
Parasites having a single host cycle
What is a complex life cycle?
Parasites that require two or more life cycles are said to have complex life cycles.
Who are reservoirs?
The species in which the pathogen initially was hosted in
What is dilution effect?
For the diseases that affect many hosts, the host diversity can reduce the risk to human population
What is amplification effect?
More host or vector species can support larger population of disease carrying organism increasing the risk to human or animals.
Why are there more species in Warmer region?
-it had more time, then poles as poles were under ice from a long time
-Maybe climate