Lecture 5: Population ecology Flashcards
What is population density?
individuals per unit area.
Why does N matter?
1) Natural resource management.
(Size of fish stock, or abundance of outbreaking insect pests)
2) Conservation: Population decline of species
3) Health: Monitoring population of virus in humans
4) Understanding and predicting human growth.
What is time-series?
It is a type of data plotted, in which the X-axis represents the time and Y-axis has the population size, N
Why did the number of bats (Myotis lucifugus) decrease in 2006?
-Due to WNS: white-nose syndrome which is a fungal disease.
How was HIV plotted?
The x-axis has time in weeks and years
The y-axis has the count of CD4+ lymphocytes. (Which has the viruses)
The larger the count of CD4+, the more the person is sick.
What happens to CD4+ cells as the HIV virus increase?
CD4+ cells decreases.
What did Paul Ehrlich say or do?
Wrote the book ‘population bomb’
Said that explosive population growth would have catastrophic social and environmental effects
What is depopulation?
Rapid fall in the population size.
What is the goal of population models?
To model N against time T, N is a function of time T.
What is N subscript t?
The number of individuals in a population at time T
What is N subscript t+1
It is the number of individuals as time advances one step.
What is the general model for population?
N subscript (t+1) = f(N subscript t)
where f is a function, and N is the number of individuals at time T.
What is a challenge in coming up with function in predicting future population?
coming up with f, in simple but accurate parameters, which should show a relationship between current and future population.
When do you use differential equations in population modeling?
If you are modeling population growth, calculus is the best approach because the data is changing continuously, and the growth is smooth and time steps are incredible small.
it is also called continuous-time approach.
What is difference equation? When do you use it?
It is a simple math equation used when the population changes episodically, and time steps are discrete units ( months, years)
It is also called a discrete-time approach
N1 = lambda* N(0)
N2 = N(o) * lambda^t
What is the equation for simple house keeping for population?
N(t+1) = N(T) - D + B - E + I
But just model birth and death
D: # of death in a population
B: # popualtion born
E: # Emmigration
I: # Immigration
But mostly ignore Emmigration and assume it to be equal to death
Assume Immigration and Birth to be equivalent
What is treated as per-capita rates?
The birth and death rates are treated as fixed constants, and birth rate is the likely hood of a specie reproducing in that time frame, and death rate is the likeyhood of that specie dying in that time frame.
If population changes by a constant rate, write the formula for population changes.
N( t+1) = lambda*(N(t))
Where lambda is the rate at which the population changes over one unit of time or it is ‘finite rate of change’
According to geometric growth, how do you know if a population is growing or shrinking?
If lambda > 1: Growth is more than death hence the population grows (step function with growth)
if lambda < 1 : Death rate is more than birth rate, hence the population is shrinking.
What was r in continuous population model? or differential equations?
Birthrate-deathrate = r
r is the intrinsic rate of increase
if r > 0 : smooth function with exponential growth.
What is the differential equation?
It is exponential.
dN/dt = rN
where N(t) = N(o) e^rt
What does graphing geometric function show?
X: axis: time
Y-axis: z, which is the number of individuals
if lambda = 1: population is neither growing nor decreasing
if lambda < 1: population is decreasing
if lambda < 1: population is increasing
What does graphing exponential function for population show?
X: axis: time
Y-axis: z, which is the number of individuals
if ln(lambda) = 0: population is neither growing nor decreasing
if ln(lambda) < 0: population is decreasing
if ln(lambda) < 0: population is increasing
What is common in geometric growth and exponential growth?
Both have a constant, lambda or r
and if both are positive it means that they keep growing exponentially.
What happens in bad, good conditions to species?
good: species grow, birth exceeds death (lambda > 1)
bad: species shrink, death exceeds birth (lambda < 1)
but it can never be equal, because nothing can ever go to infinity, population cannot grow infinitely.
Why can’t lambda > 1 or < 1 over a long period of time?
No species can grow exponentially, cause population is limited by something.
No extant specie can shrink exponentially, because it should have gone extinct. (if a specie is not extinct, it means that it has not had lambda <1 in a long time)
What is density-dependent regulation?
-If there are less species or individual, the population will grow faster (similar to what Maltus said) because the resources are available more if individuals are few.
What is density-independent reduction?
-Reduction of species due to storm etc is not dependent on the density of a population.
What is logistic growth?
s- shaped model: initially population growth exponentially, but then slows down bc it runs out of food.
It is density dependent.
What is the equation for logistic growth?
dN/dt = rN ( 1 - N/K)
Where dN/dt = rN is the ‘go’ term, it makes populations grow.
and the rest is the stop term.
What is ‘K’ in logistic growth?
K: Called the carrying capacity of the population.
constant, it is the size of resources the environment can support.
How does the S-shape reflect what N is?
if N in the logistic growth is almost K, the eqauation becomes
dN/dt = rN (1-1) == 0
Then there will no longer be any growth.
There is no breaking of the population if N is small, but if N approaches K then there is complete breaking.
What sort of curve does this produce:
N(t) =( KN(o)e^rt)
K + N( e^rt - 1)
It produces the sigmoid graph
The s-shape curve: Initially (when the population size is small) the population grows very large, then starts to level off as the population gets large and then becomes constant, when N reaches K
When does inflection point occur in the sigmoid graph?
at K/2: population starts to slow down.
When is s-shaped graph not applicable?
When the population modelled starts off from value closer to K
What happens to the sigmoid graph if N(o) > K?
It declines and becomes constant at K
Where is the maximum growth (at which point) in the sigmoid graph?
At the inflection point (K/2)
as it is the highest slope for the growth of the population.
What are pros and cons for logistic model?
1) Simple (only K is added)
2) Mathematical eqn for INTRAspecific competition (shows how population competes for food)
3) Can be expanded to consider multi-specie competition.
1) too simple (only one density dependence is shown)
2) Always gradual approach to carrying capacity
3) In reality K might be overshot, it is usually non-linear
NONE of the graphs look like s in reality.
When is the population growing the fastest?
When the population is small