Lecture 9; Organogenesis 1 Flashcards
What are the basic principles of feotus development?
- Devision is necessary
- Movement (morphogenesis) is necessary
- Differentiating is necessary
(patterning and organogenesis)
What is patterning?
Patterning is taking cells of equal potential and turning them into different tissues
What does fetus development start with?
- Fusion of egg and sperm to form a diploid zygote (23+23)
- Activates cleavage divisions to form ball fo cells (morula)
Whats happening in the morula?
The division of a zygote is exponential
- day 1 = 2 cell
- day 2 = 4 cell
- day 3 = 16 cell (morula)
Each cell at this stage is known as a blastomere, surrounded by zona pullucida
- Process is also known as a reduction of devision as each cell is reduced in volume.
What is formed after the divisions?
What does a blastocyst consist of?
- ICM (forms embryo body)
2. Trophoblast (forms embryonic part of placenta)
What happens to the blastocyst during implantation?
Undergoes contractions and hatches from the zona pellucida allowing further growth
What forms in the implanting blastocyst?
ICM divides into epiblast and hypobalst
- epiblast forms tube, top half becomes amniotic cells contributing to the amnioctic cavity, bottom half forms the embryo proper
- hypoblast froms yolk sac (primitive nutrient source)
What is formed by the epiblast in contact with the hypoblast?
bi laminar germ disc
Describe the key features of the bilaminar germ disc;
bilaminar germ disc; floor of amniotic cavity;epiblast and roof of yolk sac; hypoblast
- The disc has a primitive streak in the caudal-cranial plane + primitive opening that forms mouth-pharynx junction
What happens day 15 post fertilisation?
What happens at the primitive streak?
Where tissue formation starts (convergance of cells = gastrulation)
Describe when and what happens in gastrulation;
- Epiblast cells converge and invaginate the primitive streak to form mesendoderm (this migrates down and towards the cranial head) displacing the hypoblast
What does the mesendoderm form during gastrulation?
Mesendoderm forms mesoderm and endoderm
endoderm dispalces hypoblast (primitive endoderm)
What does the ectoderm give rise to?
Ectoderm; Skin, neurons, pigment