Lecture 8; Cell signalling 5 Flashcards
What is important in cell signalling?
Shutting off pathways, as prolonged activation can be damaging
What are some common shutting down signals or methods?
- Receptor down regulation following internalisation i.e GPCR or RTK
- Phosphotases to reverse post translation modifiations
- Phosphodiesterases
- Protein level regulation i.e ubiquination
- Sequesteration and compartmentilisation of proteins
Give an example of protein sequestration;
Ser/Thr phosphorylation Can Promote Sequestration by 14-3-3 Protein Which Can Influence Localisation of Protein
i.e Forkhead (FKHR) transcription factors can be phosphorylated by PKB on sites allowing the binding of 14-3-3 which sequesters the FKHR protein in the cytosol.
Other Examples Where Sequestration by 14-3-3 Protein Following Ser/Thr Phosphorylation Can Influence Localisation of a Protein?
BAD - BAD is phosphorylated by Akt(PKB) it interacts with 14-3-3 and its ability to stimulate apoptosis is blocked
Another Examples Where Sequestration by 14-3-3 Protein Following Ser/Thr Phosphorylation Can Influence Localisation of a Protein?
RAF - RAF can be phosphorylated and this stimulates an interaction with 14-3-3 which blocks its ability to activate the Map-Kinase cascade as GTP Loaded Ras cant interact with it.
Following receptor activation what happens?
Signals Are Shutoff By Internalisation of Receptors
Why are receptors internalised? example;
EGF receptor and ligand are broken down after stimulation so receptor can only signal once as its important to tightly control growth
Describe how receptor internalisation occurs; i.e EGF receptor
- Receptor dimerizes and signaling initiated
- Receptor activation also stimulates move to clathrin coated pits
- Clathrin coated pits internalise, clathrin uncoats and vesicles acidify
- EGF dissociates from receptor in acid environment
- Receptor and ligand broken down in lysosomes so signal ended
- Empty vesicles recycle to membrane
GPCR also do this, but some receptors can recycle to the membrane
What is special about kinase signalling pathways?
They can shut themselves down as a part of the signalling
Give an example of a kinase signalling pathway that shuts itself down;
Insulin Signaling Leads to Feedback Inhibition of Itself by Ser Phosphorylation of IRS-1
Describe how insulin signalling shuts itself down;
p70 S6 Kinase is activated (during the cascade) it continues the cascade and results in protein translation but it also regulates protein translation
by phoshorylating IRS-1 (ser residue) which reduces its ability to be phosphorylated on Tyrosines (by the insulin receptor, imp step in transduction therefore it this feedback stops transduction)
i.e. it is a feedback regulation as the more insulin activates the pathway the more feedback there is
How do phosphotases shut down the signal?
By removing phosphates from the signalling molecules
How can phosphotases by categorised?
two broad categories, those targeting phospho-tyrosine and those targeting phosphoserine/phosphothreonine
What regulates phosphotase activity?
- signalling, i.e those with Cys residues at the catalyitic site are susceptible to ROS (oxidation)
- Location in the cell
- Activated by ions i.e Calcineurin is Ca sensitive
What is an important lipid phosphotase?
- those regulating the levels of PIP3 in the cell.
Two major types of PIP3 phosphatase identified
- SHIP’s which are SH2 domain containing phosphatases that are regulated by cytokines and growth factors and remove the 5’ phosphate from the inositol ring
- PTEN which removes 3’ phosphates
Describe what happens when PTEN removes the 3’ phosphate from PIP3;
Function of PIP3 changes from Activate and co-localise proteins containing PH domains
Localise proteins anchoring cytoskeleton to membrane
Whats a shutoff mechanism for cGMP and cAMP?
Phosphodiesterases (PDE)
Describe PDE function;
These regulate the breakdown of cAMP and cGMP back to AMP and GMP
This shuts down these signalling pathways e.g PKA and PKG
Describe the PDE families in mammals;
- PDE 4, 7 and 8 are specific for cAMP
- PDE 5, 6 and 9 are specific for cGMP
- PDE 1,2,3,10 and 11 can breakdown both cAMP amd cGMP
What can regulate PDEs?
PDEs can be regulated by signaling pathways e.g. PDE3 can be phosphorylated by PKB and therefore be regulated by insulin
Whats a long term shutoff mechanism?
Longer term effects requiring gene expression
e.g. Cytokines induce expression of the “Supressors of Cytokine Signalling” or SOCS molecules which feed back to inhibit cytokine signalling
Describe the insulin signalling pathway at work;
Insulin binds receptor
- Receptor signals IRS to phosphorylate Class 1 PI 3 Kinase (p85 subunit)
- This creates PIP3
- PIP3 activates PDK1
- PDK1 phosphorylates PKB
- PKB phosphorylates AS160 which causes trafficking vesicles to insert GLUT 4 into the membrane
GLUT 4 transports glucose into the cell
How does the insulin receptor regulate protein translation?
- PKB phosphorylates RHEB and blocks its GTPase activity so that it remains loaded and active, activating mTOR and thus ensuring protein translation continues
Low PKB = little translation
also RHEB can act as a GTPase = reduced translation
How does insulin receptor regulate glucose metabolism?
PKB Phosphorylates GSK3 which inhibits GSK3 activity. This stops GSK from phosphorylating Glycogen Synthase and so allows Glycogen Synthase to become active
How does the insulin receptor enhance glucose anabolism (i.e insulin function)?
PKB Phosphorylates members of the FOXO transcription factor family such as FKHR. This allows them to bind to 14-3-3 proteins in the cytosol which retains them in the cytosol. This sequestration in cytosol means that genes normally activated by FOXO’s are switched off. In liver this helps shift from catabolic to anabolic state
How does insulin prevent apoptosis?
favouring cell growth?
BCL proteins normally suppress apoptosis by blocking cytochrome C escape from mitochondria. However BCL function is blocked by binding to BAD which allows apoptosis to occur. PKB Phosphorylates BAD which allows it to be sequestered by 14-3-3 proteins. Therefore this blocks BAD binding to BCL and so blocks apoptosis
In summery what mediates insulin action?
PKB mediates insulin actions by phosphorylating a range of proteins containing RXRXXS motifs which changes their function by either directly affecting their activity or affecting the proteins they are able to bind to
Describe the adenyl cyclase;
G alpha i and G alpha s domains (space between here is the catalytic activity)
These are membrane bound to 12 TM domains
Thus production of cAMP can be localised to the membrane
Describe the function of Gαs and Gαi
One of the intracellular domains has Gαs binding site (stimultes AC enzyme activity) while the other intracellular domain has a Gαi binding (inhibit AC activity)
Is cAMP simple?
1) 9 isoforms of adenyl cyclase
2) 11 different PDEs
3) 3 PKA isoforms
Describe how 9 isoforms of adenyl cyclase makes it a complex system;
9 isoforms and each regulated in a different way
i.e different responses to
- the 8 different Gαi isoforms
- to Ca++
- to kinases.
Since different ACs are expressed in different cells this provides different ways to regulate cAMP in different cells
Describe how 11 different PDEs make cAMP a complex system
11 PDEs are expressed in different cells.
- Different regulations
- Different Locations
Describe how 3 different PKAs make cAMP a complex system
Any cAMP that escapes PDE can activate PKA
3 PKA isoforms
- function differently
- expressed at different levels in different tissues.
Localisation via A-Kinase Anchoring Proteins (AKAPs) is very important as these bring targets together with PKA
What does cAMP do?
cAMP Activates a Number of Catabolic enzymes and Processes via PKA
i. e
1. Acetyle CoA carboxylase - blocks lipid synthesis
2. CREB promotes gene expression
3. Hormone sensitive lipase’s (lipolysis)
4. Glycogen synthase (inactive) blocks glycogen synthesis
5. Activates phosphorylase kinase (stimulates glycogen breakdown)
When counters the effects of adenyl cyclase?
Insulin Counters Effects of Adenylate Cyclase by Activating a Phosphodiesterase (PDE3b)
PKA not active
in absence of cAMP
so its substrates become dephosphorylated
i.e effects are now all opposite to before
What are the general principles of signal transduction;
- Specific receptor proteins that bind only to one specific hormone span the plasma membrane
- When a hormone binds to this receptor it “transduces” a signal across the cell membrane and activates a series of signals inside the cell
- These signals regulate cell processes such as growth, cell division, cell motility and cell metabolism and so allow hormones to appropriately regulate cell function
- always feedback mechanisms to shut off the signaling pathways
What can go wrong in receptor signalling?
Normal signalling ; Action of receptors is properly balanced by feedback pathway
Defects that cause reduced signaling can cause problems e.g. the insulin resistance that leads to diabetes is caused by reduced signaling through insulin receptors
Whats a common cause of cancer?
Defects in the cell signaling pathways
are a very common cause of cancer;
Overxpression of Receptors
e.g. ERB-B positive breast cancer
This results in too much signaling so cells can grow and move inappropriately
Feedback mechanisms become overwhelemed
Whats a common cause of cancer?
- Receptor gets mutated so it is always super activated (i.e. a classical oncogenic mutation)
e. g. EGF receptor mutations common in lung cancer
Whats a common cause of cancer?
- Receptor normal but members of signal pathways mutated
(i. e. a classical oncogenic mutation)
e. g. PI 3-kinase mutations discussed in this lecture
Whats a common cause of cancer?
- Feedback mechanism lost so pathway always active
e. g. PTEN deletions discussed in this lecture
This results in too much signaling so cells can grow and move inappropriately
If only one copy of the gene is lost then there may or maynot be enough feedback ?
What do the top drugs in the world target?
Cell signalling pathways
i.e beta blockers block GPCR / cAMP signalling