Lecture 9 - Microscopy Flashcards
what are the 3 elements always needed for imaging in a microscope?
- a source of illumination
- a specimen to be examined
- a system of lenses to focus the illumination on the sample and form an image
def: illuminates the sample
light source
def: placed in front of the light source to focus the light at the desired point on the specimen
condenser lens
def: forms the primary image of the specimen, its the lens closest to the object of interest
objective lens
def: magnifies the primary image produced by the objective lens
ocular lens
def: refers to the size of the image
the smaller the limit of resolution a microscope has, the greater its _________ _______
resolving power
def: the minimum distance two points can be apart and remain apart
what 2 things does magnification consider?
- the refraction index of the lens and the medium the sample is immersed in
- the focal length of the lens
what are the 3 things resolution considers?
- the wavelength of illumination
- the refraction index
- angular aperture
def: measure of the change in the velocity of light as it passes from one medium to another
refractive index
what does the Abbé equation give us?
what are the 6 kinds of light microscopy?
- brightfield(unstained)
- phase contrast
- fluorescence
- brightfieqld(stained)
- differential interference contrast
- confocal
how can one improve bright field microscopy to see live cell and tissues that lack compounds that absorb light and are invisible?
fix specimen or stain it
def: preserves cells, prevents degradation, formalin and formaldehyde
def: an intact object placed on a slide
whole mount
def: fixed and embedded tissue that is cut into thin pieces and placed on a slide
what is the key feature of phase-contrast microscopy?
takes advantage of differences in refractive index and thickness to image living cells without the need to section and stain
what is the most useful case to use phase contrast microscopy?
study dynamic events, like the movement of organelles within the cell