Lecture 9 - Knee muscle and joint interaction Flashcards
What muscle group does knee ext? What is their innervation?
Quadriceps innervated by the
femoral nerve – the only innervation
to extensors
What is the innervation of the muscles that do IR of the knee?
- Sartorius -femoral
- Gracilis -obturator
- SM - Sciatic (tibial)
- ST - Sciatic (tibial)
- Popliteus -tibial
What is the innervation of the muscle that does ER of the knee?
- Biceps femoris : Sciatic (tibial & fibular)
What is the innervation of the muscles that do flexion of the knee?
- SM : Sciatic (tibial)
- ST : Sciatic (tibial)
- Bicep femoris (long and short) :Sciatic (tibial & fibular)
- Sartorius/Gracilis : femoral /obturator
- Gastrocnemius/Plantaris : tibial
- Popliteus: tibial
What supplies the knee and associated ligaments innervation?
Knee and associated ligaments supplied through L3-L5 spinal nerve roots via posterior tibial, obturator and femoral nerves
What is the largest afferent sensory supplier to the knee?
Largest afferent to the knee – posterior tibial nerve
- posterior capsule/associated ligs
most internal structures up to infrapatellar fat pad
What do the afferent fibers in the obturator nerve supply in the knee? (sensory)
Afferent fibers in obturator nerve
Carries sensation from skin over medial knee and post/post-medial capsule
What do the afferent fibers of the femoral nerve supply sensory innervation to in the knee?
Carries sensation from ant-medial and ant-lateral capsule
What should we know about the quadriceps femoris?
Cross-sectional area as high as 2.8 X >er than that of the hamstrings
Vastus group = 80% of the total extension torque (knee extension)
Rectus femoris = 20% (hip flexion and knee extension)
Vastus medialis – 2 fiber directions: VMO (30% of entire VM) @ 50-55 deg angle to the tendon & VML @ 15-18 degrees
Where does the rectus femoris run?
AIIS & immediately superior to acetabulum
Which quad has the greatest cross sectional area?
vastus lateralis
Which quad extends farther toward the knee and has 2 sections?
vastus medialis
Which quad muscle is deep to RF and VL
vastus intermedialis
Which muscle is deep to VI, poorly defined, runs distally into the capsule/synovial membrane (pulls them prox during ext)?
Articularis genu
What is the knee extensor mechanism?
Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Intermedius
- forms strong quadriceps tendon attaches side and base of patella
- Patella tendon connects apex to tibial tuberosity
What are the isometric considerations of the knee ext mechanism?
Isometric functions:
- stabilizes to protect the knee
What are the eccentric considerations of the knee ext mechanism?
Eccentric functions (like a spring):
- controls the rate of descent of the body’s COM (sitting, squatting landing from a jump)
- dampens impact/loading on the knee: walking - heel contact into loading knee flexion in response to GRF (controls knee flexion)
- Step down
What are the concentric functions of the knee ext mechanism?
Concentric functions:
- Accelerates tibia/femur toward extension…raises COG: jump, step up, stand up, running uphill.
With increasing external torque, what happens to the demand on the muscle and underlying joint?
increasing demand on the muscle and underlying joint, in response to the increasing external torque.
Where is the largest moment arm/extension torque in 0-90 degrees open chain?
Eccentric or concentric?
0 degrees
- concentric