Lecture 8 - Knee Kinematics Flashcards
What is the capsule of the knee?
- Encloses med/lat TF and PF joints - multiple connective tissue reinforcements:
- Anterior, lateral, posterior and Posterior-lateral
What makes up the anterior capsule of the knee?
Anterior: patella and tendon
What is the connective tissue reinforcement and muscular reinforcement of the anterior knee?
- Connective tissue reinforcement: reinforced by med/lat retinacular fibers.
(These are extensions of ITB/vastus lat & med – connections to femur/tibia/patella /quads/pat tendon/collateral ligs/menisci) - Muscular reinforcement: quads
What are the connective tissue and muscular reinforement of the lateral knee?
- Connective tissue reinforcement: LCL, lat patellar retinacular fibers, ITB
- Muscular reinforcement: biceps femoris, tendon of popliteus, lat head of gastroc
What are the connective tissue reinforcement and muscular reinforcement of the posterior knee?
- Connective tissue reinforcement: oblique popliteal lig, arcuate popliteal lig
- Muscular reinforcement: popliteus, gastrocs, hamstrings (esp SM)
What are the connective tissue reinforcement and muscular reinforcement of the posterior-lateral knee?
- Connective tissue arcuate popliteal lig, LCL, popliteofibular lig
- Muscular reinforcement: tendon of the popliteus
What is a fabella? Where is it?Does everyone have one?
- a sesamoid bone in the posterolateral capsule of the human knee joint.
- The presence of the fabella in humans varies widely and is reported in the literature to range from 20% to 87% [1-7]. - The fabella is located in the posterior aspect of the knee where lines of tensile stress intersect.
What are the 3 parts of the connective tissue reinforcement of the medial knee?
- Anterior 1/3: thin layer of fascia – medial pat retinacular fibers
- Middle 1/3: medial pat retinacular fibers, superficial and deep MCL
- Posterior 1/3: thick – starting near adductor tubercle blending with SM tendinous expansion and posterior capsule and posterior oblique ligament. Pes anserine reinforces this.
What is the muscular reinforcement of the medial knee?
- Muscular reinforcement: SM, SGT – pes anserine
What is the capsule of the knee?
Internal capsule lined with synovial membrane
How many bursa in the knee? Where?
14 bursae at inter-tissue junctions that encounter friction with motion
Some are extensions of synovial membrane, some external to capsule
What are the fat pads of the knee called?
suprapatellar and deep infrapatellar
What is the TF joint made up of?
TF joint: large convex femoral condyles and flat, smaller tibial plateaus
What do the menisci act as for the femoral condyles?
act as gaskets to form seats for the femoral condyles
Where are the menisci anchored to the intercondylar region of the tibia?
@ anterior/posterior horns
What attached the external edge of each meniscus to the tibia and the capsule?
coronary ligaments
- allow pivoting
What connects the coronary ligaments anteriorly?
transverse ligament
What do the secondary attachments of muscles to mensici help stabilize?
- quads (both)
- SM (both)
- popliteus to lateral
What do the medial and lateral meniscus attach to?
- Medial oval shape attaches to MCL and adjacent capsule
- Lateral more circular, only attaches to lateral capsule, popliteus passes between LCL and lateral meniscus
What are the red zone and white zone of the menisci?
– peripheral 1/3 direct from
genicular arteries (off popliteal), this zone is called the “red zone”
- inner 2/3 avascular “white-zone” and
nutrition from synovial fluid.
What is the primary function of the TF joint?
↓ compressive forces (triples joint contact area ↓ pressure on articular cartilage
What is the secondary function of the TF joint?
stabilizing joint during motion,
lubricating articular cartilage,
providing proprioception (Mechanoreceptors
have been identified in the anterior and posterior
horns of the menisci)
Help guide arthrokinematics
What should we know about meniscal tears?
- Often associated with forceful, axial rotation of the femoral condyles over a flexed WB knee (can pinch and dislodge the meniscus)
- A dislodged or folded flap (bucket handle) can mechanically block knee motion
- Medial injured twice as frequently – valgus force (large stress on MCL/post-med capsule)
- Risk increases with ligamentous laxity (esp ACL) and malalignment
What mechanism do we lose with a meniscal tear?
Loss of hoop stress capacity with meniscal tear – especially avulsion tear at medial posterior horn