Lecture 9: Integration of Metabolism Flashcards
What is the only organ that can carry out all metabolic pathways?
What are the 3 molecules that act as metabolic junction points?
- glucose-6-phosphate
- pyruvate
- acetyl-CoA
What can glucose-6-phosphate be broken into?
glycogen, pyruvate, ribose-5-phosphate
What can pyruvate be broken into?
acetyl-CoA, lactate, alanine, OAA
What can acetyl-CoA be broken into?
CO2 (completely), ketone bodies, fatty acids
What are the preferred energy sources of:
- RBCs
- Brain
- Adipose
- Liver
- Muscles
- RBCs –> glucose
- Brain –> glucose, ketone bodies
- Adipose –> glucose, fatty acids
- Liver –> fatty acids
- Muscles –> glucose, fatty acids, amino acids
What signals effect Adipose tissue in the Fed and Hunger/Exercise states?
Fed: Insulin (synth/store triglycerides)
H/E: glucagon/epinephrine (release FA and glycerol)
How much O2 is consumed by the brain?
- 20% of consumed O2 in resting human (2% 0f body mass)
- brain uses ketone bodies after days of low glucose consumption (prevents protein breakdown)
What enzyme does skeletal muscle lack that prevents glucose export?
What energy system is used during immediate (0-30s), short-term (30-120s), and long-term (120s
immediate = ATP/PCr system
short-term = anaerobic glycolysis
long-term = oxidative system
What is phosphagen and how does it work?
regeneration of ATP by phosphocreatine (very fast, low total energy)
- use: short burst, heavy activity; quick ATP exhaustioin
- phosphocreatine stored in muscle (quick ATP regeneration)
What is Anaerobic Glycolysis and how does it work?
- oxidation of free blood glucose/glycogen
- leads to lactate formation (dec. power & muscle fatigue)
- glycogen –> G6P –> pyruvate –> lactate
What is the Cori Cycle and what does it do?
- regenerates glucose from lactate
- liver uses lactate to produce glucose via gluconeogenesis
What is Oxidative Phosphorylation and how does it work?
- produces energy from NADH and FADH2 oxidation
NADH - 2.5 ATP
FADH2 - 1.5 ATP
- ATP Synthase produces ATP
- Energy Charge (ATP:ADP)
- Reducing Power (NADH:NAD)
ratios are INVERSE
- ATP lvls low = TCA Cycle upregulation (More NADH)
- ATP lvls high = TCA downregulated (Less NADH)
Short Term Satiation Signals (Cholecystokinin, Glucagon-like Peptide 1, Ghrelin)
CCK - small intestine secreted; acts on brain
- increased satiety, dec. food intake/body weight
GLP-1 - L-cell secreted; acts on brain, pancreas
- inc. insulin sec/biosynthesis, satiety
- dec. food intake/body weight
Ghrelin - stomach secreted; acts on hypothalamus
- stimulate appetite
- inc. before meal, dec. after meal
- adipose tissue secreted in proportion to fat mass
- leptin receptor = hypothalamus
- regulate body weight (dec. food intake, inc. NRG use)
Long Term Homeostasis Control (2 molecules)
- regulate energy homeostasis (hours or days)
- Leptin: adipocytes (triacylglycerol store status)
- Insulin: pancreas B cells (blood glucose status)
What is AMPK and why is it important?
- AMP-activated protein kinase = cellular NRG sensor
- ATP HIGH –> AMPK is inactive
- ATP LOW –> AMPK allosterically activated
- phosphorylates targets controlling cellular NRG production and consumption
ATP/AMP competition determines AMPK on/off