Lecture 7: Fundamentals of Nutrition (Part 2) Flashcards
What do these terms refer to?
Strict vegan
Pesco = consume fish
Lacto-ovo = consume milk and effs
Strict vegan = NO animal products
What is the difference between Estimated Average Requirements (EAR) and Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)?
EAR - 50% of healthy individuals in group
RDA - 97-98% of healthy individuals within group
What is the difference between Deficiencies and Insufficiencies?
Deficiencies - intake below what is required for an individual, often resulting (well described disease associated w/deficiency
Insufficiencies - intake below what is OPTIMAL for health, making individual susceptible to disease
Vitamin D Deficiency signs and symptoms
- Childhood Rickets and Adult osteomalacia
- rickets symptoms: bowed legs, thick wrists/ankles, delayed growth
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) sources, coenzyme form, cause of deficiency, and clinical manifestation (Beriberi)
source: grain, yeast, pork
coenzyme: TTP (pyruvate –> A CoA via PDH)
deficiency: alcoholism (absorption interference)
1. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
2. Dry Beriberi –> muscle wasting, partial paralysis
3. Wet Beriberi –> peripheral edema, cardiac failure
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) sources, coenzyme form, cause of deficiency, clinical manifestations
source: milk, eggs
coenzyme: FAD/FMN
deficiency: ariboflavinosis (malabsorption issues)
clinical: sore throat, chelititis, glossitis, serborrheic dermatitis
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) sources, coenzyme form, cause of deficiency, clinical manifestations
sources: meats, veggies, fruits, synth from tryptophan
coenzyme: NAD(H) and NADP(H)
- pellagra (diarrhea, dementia, dermatitis, death)
- Hartnup Disease: impaired AA absorption (trypto)
toxicity: flushing of face, nausea, constipation
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) sources, coenzyme form, deficiency, clinical manifestations
sources: widely distributed
coenzyme: coenzyme A (first TCA cycle step)
deficiency: extreme starvation, colonic bacteria
manifestation: dermatitis, dysesthesias (BURNING FEET SYNDROME)
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) sources, coenzyme form, deficiency, clinical manifestations
sources: meat, vegetables, grain
coenzyme: pyridoxal phosphate (ALT and AST), tryptophan –> niacin
manifestation: sideroblastic anemia (no iron in heme)
toxicity can occur –> peripheral neuropathy, photosensitivity, dermatoses
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) sources, coenzyme form, deficiency, clinical manifestations
sources: meat, liver, milk, eggs
coenzyme: mehtylmalonyl-CoA and homocysteine
deficiency: pernicious anemia (most common cause), long-term vegetarian diet, resection of terminal ileum
manifestations: megaloblastic anemia, homocysteinemia
Vitamin B7 (Biotin) sources, coenzyme form, deficiency, clinical manifestations
sources: yeast products, legumes, nuts
coenzyme: - carboxylases
deficiency: excessive raw egg white consumption (avidin –> binds to biotin)
dermatitis around eye, nose, and mouth; lethargy, hallucinations
Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid) sources, coenzyme form, deficiency, clinical manifestations
sources: fresh green vegetables, liver
coenzyme: tetrahydrofolate (de novo pyrimidine synth)
deficiency: folate pool depleted in pregnancy/alcoholics
- neural tube defect (spina bifida)
manifestations: macrocytic megalobalstic anemia and homocysteinemia
Vitamin C Deficiency (Ascorbic Acid) sources, coenzyme form, deficiency, clinical manifestations
sources: fruits and vegetables
cofactor for: collagen synth, neurotrans synth, antioxidant
deficiency: no citrus fruits
manifestations: scurvy (severely malnourished, poverty)
Vitamin E Deficiency coenzyme form, deficiency, clinical manifestations
- antioxidant free radical scavenger
- forms: alpha/gamma tocopherol most common
deficiency: neuromuscular disorders/hemolysis, fat malabsorption conditions
Vitamin K Deficiency coenzyme form, deficiency, clinical manifestations
- carboxylation of glutamate residues
- essential factor for proper blood clotting
deficiency: bleeding issues, osteporosis
interactions w/blood thinners such as warfarin
Vitamin A Deficiency coenzyme form, deficiency, clinical manifestations
- vision and maintenance of epithelium
- retinoic acid (stored in liver as retinol)
deficiency from: extreme malnutrition, fat malabsorption, liver cirrhosis
manifestations: night blindness, xerophthalmia, follicular hyperkeratosis, frequent infections
toxicity: teratogenic in pregnancy