Lecture 9: Development in Adulthood Flashcards
What is Primary Aging?
Age-related physical changes that have a biological basis and are universally shared and inevitable
What is Secondary Aging?
Age-related changes that are due to social and environmental influence, poor health habits, or disease
What is Osteoporosis?
The major consequence of this loss of bone density is a significantly increased risk of fractures, beginning as early as age 50 for women, and much later for men
What is Presbyopia?
Normal loss of visual acuity with aging, especially the ability to focus the eyes on near objects
What is Presbycusis?
Normal loss of hearing with aging, especially of high-frequency or very low-frequency tones
What is Selective Optimization with Compensation?
The process of balancing the gains and losses associated with aging
What is Crystallized Intelligence?
Depends heavily on education and experience
E.g vocabulary, ability to read, technical skills for the job
What is Fluid Intelligence?
Involves more basic abilities that depend on the efficient functioning of the central nervous system
E.g abstract reasoning
What is Intimacy vs. Isolation?
Erikson’s early adulthood stage, in which an individual must find a life partner or supportive friends in order to avoid isolation
What is Intimacy?
The capacity to engage in a supportive, affectionate relationship without losing one’s own sense of self
What is Generativity?
A sense that one is making a valuable contribution to society by bringing up children or mentoring younger people (teaching, mentoring, leading in civic, religious, or charitable organizations)
What is Climacteric?
The years of middle or late adulthood in both men and women during which reproductive capacity declines or is lost
What is Ego Integrity versus Despair Stage?
The last of Erikson’s psychosocial stages, in which older adults must achieve a sense of satisfaction with their lives
What is Ego Integrity?
The feeling that one’s life has been worthwhile, the process also involves coming to terms with death and accepting its imminence
What is Reminiscence?
Reflecting on past experiences; is a positive emotional experience for older adults that is often seen as a way of communicating their experiences to younger children