Lecture 11: Media and Development Flashcards
Why do Kids Use Media?
- Diversion
- Cognition
- Social utility
- Withdrawal
- Personal identity
- High sensation
What is the Cultivation Theory?
Media constantly retell a selective and biased set of myths that help define social thinking in a particular society
What is the Social Cognitive Theory?
People learn from what others do. What they learn and perform depends on many factors, such as whether the model is rewarded or punished, how attractive, and how similar the model appears to be in similar situations
What is Schematic Information Processing Theory?
People form mental representations (schemas or scripts) and use them to interpret situations. This affects social judgments and behavior. The media are a powerful source of new schemas and a means of activating and modifying the schemas a person already has.
What is Magic Window Thinking?
The tendency of very young children to believe that images on screen media are as real as real-life people and objects
What is Media Literacy?
Ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and critically understand various forms of media content