Lecture 9 - coronary artery disease Flashcards
Cardiovascular diseases
Coronary artery disease
Heart failure
Coronary artery disease: Causes
Drugs, including cocaine and excessive alcohol
* Smoking
* High blood pressure
* High cholesterol
* Diabetes
* Overweight or obesity
* Chronic inflammatory conditions
Coronary artery disease
Vascular Spasm
* Abnormal spastic contraction of the coronary arteries
* Platelet-activating factor
* Cold, physical exertion or anxiety
* Reversible and no damage to the heart muscles
Angina pectoris
- Gradual enlargement of protruding plaque
- Pain in chest–Angina pectoris
- Exertion or emotional stress
- Rest and/or nitroglycerine
Myocardial infarction
Totally deprived of blood = Death of muscle cells
Outcome of myocardial infarction
Death or delayed death
Recovery (full or impaired)
Myocardial infarction
Medical tests: ECG
Coronary artery disease: Medical treatment
Coronary artery bypass surgery
Balloon angioplasty