Lecture 9 Flashcards
relation between attitudes and behavior discussion
has been discussion about if attitudes are indespensable or irrelevant in predicting behavior. it is a usefull starting point, but later research says it is maybe not needed.
are attitudes and behavior related?
study on religion found that depending on how you analyze the data you either get a low or high correlation.
- single behavior gives a low correlation
- aggregated behavior gives a higher correlation
difference in correlation between attitudes and behavior
suggests the principle of compatibility
principle of compatibility
we can only make sense of the question when we are specific about what type of attitude and type of behavior we are talking about. we will only find a correlation when they match.
types of behavior and attitude
- global attitude / behavior
- specific attitude / behavior
has the principle of compatibility helped us answer the question?
a few meta-analysis using the principle showed that the relation between attitudes and behavior is between medium and large.
theory of reasoned action
common starting point when thinkin about why people do what is folk psychology
- beliefs
- desires
you can’t just understand a correlation
model of theory of reasoned action
attitude towards the behavior and subjective norm -> behavioral intention -> behavior
problem with theory of reasoned action
the control you have is not included. you can’t play tennis alone, no matter how strong your intentions to play tennis are.
theory of planned behavior
additions to the reasoned action theory:
- control beliefs
- percieved behavioral control
perception of control is influenced by actual control and can also influence intention.
held up pretty well when tested
~.5 correlation, so 25% of behavior is explained by intention.
theory of reasoned goal pursuit
uses formulas to explain why an attitude/norm/control is what it is.
might make sense, but has no substantial evidence for us to say it is a good general model that captures everything.
intention behavior gap
gap between behavior and intention, because intention only explains a quarter of the variance in behavior.
do intentions cause behavior
meta analysis that only looked at the experimental studies done (so not correlational) found a small to medium change in behavior because of intention.
two key points of the intention behavior gap
- disconnect between intentions and behavior can be due to failing to act on positive intention, but also due to acting when intention is negative
- there are more inclined abstainers than disinclined actors
causes for failure to pursuit goal
- fail to get started (-> should initiate goal pursuit)
- fail to keep goal pursuit on track (-> should maintain goal pursuit)
- fail to bring goal pursuit to a succesful close (-> should close goal pursuit).
how can we close the gap?
if at all possible the gap between intention and behavior can be reduced by increasing behavioral control.
we can use people’s ability to make plans, if you help them make plans it will increase their ability to reach goals.
shape of attitude-behavior relation
theory of planned behavior assumes the shape of attitude-behavior relation is linear, but a correlation isn’t always linear
the feeling to action relationship
we saw earlier in a study that people changed things if they were dissatisfied and these correlations where fairly linear.
Bechler, Tormala Rucker (2021)
while the majority of research implies lineairity this study found that the relation is systematically nonlinear.
plausible options for shape of relation
- classic perspective
- categorical perspective
- attitude-strength perspective
classic perspective
categorical perspective
light s shape. in this persepective you don’t really have an attitude, it only really matters if you are above or below the neutral point.
change between valence is seen as larger than change within valence
attitude-strength perspective
strong S shape.
more extreme attitudes are stronger and have bigger effect on behavior.
valenced versus nonvalenced behaviors
study hypothesised that categorical perspective only applies to valenced behavior, but not for nonvalenced.
and this was the case with voting for certain candidate (s-shaped) or voting at all (not s-shaped)
high barrier behavior?
for high-barrier behavior the threshold might not be at neutral, but more extreme value.
- implication: some attitude changes have more effect on behavior
implications for advertising
- Tailor persuasive message to the strongest determinant of the behavioral intention (attitudes, norms, control).
- Identify specific (behavioral, normative, control) beliefs that are basis of behavior and target those.
- Consider intention-behavior gap: Is the problem disinclined actors or inclined abstainers?
- Consider combining attitude change with implementation intentions.
- Determine shape of attitude-behavior relation.
- Consider what attitude change has most impact on behavioral intention.