Lecture 12 Flashcards
did research with the question: what persuasion techniques are used by compliance professionals.
made it clear it’s a given people are motivated by self-interest so all techniques that play into this are not the focus of his attention.
fixed action pattern
guiding idea in Cialdini’s research.
borrowed from animal behavior. particular stimulus leads to particular behavior.
humans don’t have it as much as animals, but we have some sort of automatic responses.
Langer and colleagues on fixed action pattern?
had people stand in line and people cut in line to find out of people use social scripts.
- when people gave good reason to cut people let them
- but also let them when people gave a bad reason.
mindlessly rely on script
6 principles of cialdini
- reciprocity
- commitment and consistency
- social proof
- liking
- authority
- scarcity
mental rule = we should repay people when they give us something
consequences of reciprocity
- uninvited debts: you just get something you didn’t ask for
- unfair exchanges: when you get a debt you can’t repay
- reciprocal concessions: rejection-then-threat or door-in-face technique. start out big go smaller
commitment and consistency
mental rule = we have the desire to appear consistent with what we’ve already done
- foot-in-door
- low ball
social proof
mental rule = to determine what is correct, estimate what other people think is correct.
when is social proof the most influential
- customers face uncertainty
- similarity with reference group
mental rule = say “yes” to requests of someone we know and like.
sources of liking
- attractiveness
- similarity and familiarity
- compliments
- good news
- cooperation
mental rule = obey commands of authorities
not only real authorities, but also vulnerable to symbols of authority like clothes, titles and accessories.
mental rule = scrace things are valuable
opportunities seem more valuable when their availability is limited
reflects real patterns in economics and is widely used in marketing
additional principle?
first developed as disrupt then reframe technique
meta-analysis found this indeed results in more compliance, but mental rule is unclear
why could confusion work?
- confusion reduces ability to counter-argue
- reframe gives cognitive closure
Limited resources account?
self-control might vary between people and from moment to moment, but it does not run out when you use it.