Lecture 9 Flashcards
when we talk about nucleosynthesis we mean
the formation of the light elements
the abundances of the light elements reflect the
primordial state of the universe
the theory of primordial nucleosynthesis is able to
successfully predict these abundances over about nine orders of magnitude
strongest piece of evidence for hot big bang theory
protons are lighter than
free neutrons decay into
protons with a half life of 610s
neutrons bound into
stable isotopes of the light elements don’t decay
neutrinos decouple from
the rest of the cosmic plasma at a temperature of about 10^10K
the ratio between the number of neutrons and protons is
1 when kbT»_space; difference in rest masses
when kbT = 0.8MeV
neutrinos decouple and the CNB is formed
the reactions can no longer occur and neutrons freeze out
free neutrons can still
R = Nn/Np =
Deuterium can be formed via
p + n -> d + γ
γ causes
photo-disintegration of the deuterium d
the mass abundance ratio
Y4 = mass of 4He / total mass
Y4 = 2R/1+R
where R = Nn/Np
Increasing the neutron half-life increases
fewer neutrons decayed = more neutrons available to form helium