Definitions and Explanations Flashcards
The cosmological principle
the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic - there is no privileged position in the Universe.
mass density p is uniform
Hubble’s law
v = Hd. There is a linear relationship between an objects recession velocity and the distance to it.
Does hubble’s law violate the cosmological principle
For observers at the ‘centre’ of an expanding sphere hubbles law and the cosmological principle hold.
for observers on the surface of an expanding 2D sphere, Hubble’s law still holds, two observers move apart from each other at a velocity in direct proportion to their distance apart.
No violation.
the introduction of a positive cosmological constant
a positive value of Λ
1. Will cause acceleration.
2. This implies a smaller velocity at early times
3. The universe needs longer to reach its present size
4. The universe at the present time, would be older.
photon number density is obtained from
a blackbody spectrum of the CMBR and from knowing that it’s equal to known constant x T^3. T = 2.7K.
critical mass density is obtained from
H^2 = 8πGp(c)/3 so long as we know H, which we can get from redshift measurements.
density parameter is obtained from
galaxy rotation measurements or measuring the deceleration parameter as Ω = p/p(c).
Planck time
is the time in the universe’s history before which quantum mechanics is expected to be important.
Refers to the point after recombination where photons fall out of thermal equilibrium with matter.
After decoupling
photons do not interact with matter and this has a consequence that radiation expands and cools.
the particle content at the earliest times of the universe
is unknown and Grand Unified Theories (GUT) are still speculative. Later on, the content was that of the standard model.
At T ~ 100GeV
the W and Z bosons and quarks acquire mass in a phase transition
T ~ 200MeV
the quarks underwent a phase transition and became confined inside hadrons
T ~ 0.1MeV
the neutrons and protons combined to form light nuclei, mainly helium but with residual excess photons
Friedmann cosmology
describes a universe which expands with time cooling as it goes
the period just after planck time
- the universe is far too hot to allow nucleosynthesis to proceed
- eventually the Universe has expanded sufficiently and is cool enough that radiation no longer has enough energy to break apart newly formed matter
this is the current epoch
theoretical basis for Friedmann cosmology
is a classical theory describing an expanding universe
observations that support Friedmann cosmology
homogeneity and isotropy. On large scales, there is very little evidence of large-scale structure. The homogeneity and isotropy of the CMBR is one of the biggest pieces of evidence.
Big Crunch
gravity wins over expansion and the universe recollpases
positive deacceleration parameter
Big Chill or Big Rip
expansion wins out over gravity and the matter in the universe becomes infinitely far apart.
a negative effective pressure
negative pressure would drive accelerated expansion overcoming gravity, such a thing would be consistent with a positive value of Λ
if density p = 0
empty universe, devoid of matter
Objects just beyond the edge of our local supercluster will disappear over the edge
represents the nearest point at which we currently observe large-scale structure
Observations made beyond the horizon
little evidence to make measurements of p and q. On such scales little evidence for the Big Bang.
3 key properties of particles that play an important role in determining how much helium-4 was produced
- protons are slightly lighter than neutrons
- free neutrons decay into protons with a relatively long half-life
- neutrons bound into stable isotopes/don’t decay
protons are slightly lighter than neutrons
in the early universe, the number of protons and neutrons will remain almost identical as long as kbT»_space; (m(p)-m(n))c^2
free neutrons decay into protons with a relatively long half-life
when the universe has cooled down enough, the only process which can change the relative p/n abundances is the decay of free neutrons. If the neutron decay had been much faster we would be able to form only hydrogen
neutrons bound into stable isotopes/don’t decay
stable isotopes are required to build heavier elements; several steps in going from p+m to 4He.
Flatness problem
if the universe has non-zero curvature, then the dimensionless density parameter diverges very rapidly from 1 as the universe expands.
Thus, to be so close to 1 today would require |Ω-1| to have been unfeasibly close to zero in the early universe.
solving the flatness problem
a period of exponential expansion, with H constant, in the very early universe would drive the universe exponentially quickly towards zero curvature, solving the flatness problem.
Concordance cosmological model
The concordance model is the generally consistent and tight constraints on cosmological model parameters over a wide range of redshift.
The universe contains Λ, cold dark matter and ordinary matter.
horizon problem
Explains how the temperature of the CMBR can be so uniform when regions of the CMBR even just a few degrees apart are casually disconnected.
Inflation can solve
the flatness and horizon problem as inflation is a short period of accelerated expansion in the early universe.
fluid equation
an increase in volume - density decrease
the internal energy of the fluid changes as the universe expands.
if P = 0 non-relativistic matter no change in the internal energy
if P>0 then the expansion of the universe
current observations indicate
matter density is about 30% of the critical density
the luminous matter is <1% of the critical density
dark matter is non-baryonic and cold
universe has flat geometry
negative value of the deceleration paramater
universe is accelerating
cosmic complementary
we combine multiple different cosmological probes and data spanning different redshift ranges
overlap between data sets will allow the values of the parameters to be more tightly constrained.
perturb solutions
perturbations grow exponentially tending towards a de Sitter model in the future.
cosmological constant problem
pΛ «_space;p(vacuum)
should Λ be zero?
no as we have observed it
is described by a Planck spectrum
originated when the universe was in thermal equilibrium
photons interact very strongly with electrons so have a very short mean free path
as T drops
photons now travel unimpeded.
called decoupling
refers to the period during which electrons and protons first become bound as hydrogen nuclei
surface of last scattering
1.the photons we see in the CMBR come from the surface of last scattering
2. represents the universe as it was just after it became cool enough for photons to travel without being scattered by electrons
for T>T(eq)
radiation dominated
prior to decoupling
the universe consists of a baryon-photon fluid
fluctuations in the CMBR imply that there were tiny differences in gravitational potential at the epoch of recombination
gravity tries to collapse the fluid and radiation pressure tries to expand it
the fluid sloshes around in the potential wells and sets up acoustic oscillations
acoustic oscillations implies
a pressure or sound wave
oscillations after decoupling
cease and their pattern was frozen in to the CMBR pattern we observe today
this generates a series of acoustic peaks
corresponding to oscillations that were just the right size to be at maximum compression when the photon decouple.
sound horizon
the physical scale of the oscillations is determined by how far sound waves could have travelled before decoupling
the particle horizon
is the limit of the region with which an observer can be in casual contact.
the proper size of the observable universe
the height of the acoustic peaks is sensitive to
the baryon density
Sakharov conditions for baryogenesis
- baryon number violation
- CP violation
- Departure from thermal equilibrium
How to find the Planck time
We can find it by setting the Schwarschild radius equal to the Compton radius.