Lecture 1 Flashcards
The cosmological principle
The universe is homogeneous and isotropic on scales larger than ~ 100 Mpc
looks the same
Wherever you look
The time evolution of the particle separation r
U = T + V
U = 1/2 m r(dot)^2 - 4/3πGρr^2m
co-moving coordinates
r→(t) = a(t) x→
Friedmann Equation
U = 1/2mȧ^2x^2 - 4/3πGρa^2x^2m
(ȧ/a)^2 = 8πGρ/3 - kc^2/a^2
k tells us about
the geometry or the curvature of space
Fluid Equation
1st law of thermodynamics
dE + ρdV = TdS
Differentiating E and V and setting dS = 0
ρ(dot) + 3ȧ/a (ρ + P/c^2) = 0
The fluid equation shows that
an increase in volume causes a decrease in density and that the internal energy of the fluid changes as the universe expands
the only source of pressure from the fluid equation is
associated with the change in internal energy
if P = 0
non-relativistic matter - dust with no change in the internal energy
for relativistic matter
radiation - we can have p ≠ 0