Lecture #8 [Tectonics-Volcanoes] Flashcards
what are the four layers of the earth
The core (s)
outer core is molten (liquid) extends to roughly 5000 km deep
inner core is solid and dense with a radius of 1450 km
The Mantle and its three layers
Extends to ~3000km deep
lithosphere= upper mantle and crust it’s thin hard and rigid.
asthenosphere= rocks are so hot that they deform easy
mesosphere= rocks are rigid again
The Crust [and it’s three rock types]
Mixture of rock types, beneath the oceans is 8km thich and beneath the continents is 30 km thick
igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic
igneous rocks
formed by cooling and solidifying of magma extrusive rocks (volcanic) spewed onto surface while still molten, undergo rapid solidification and cooling intrusive rock (plutonic) cools and solidifies below the surface [i.e granite]
Sedimentary rocks
Mechanical and physical weathering= rocks disintegrate
sediment is carried away by rivers and deposited
layers of deposits creates pressure on sediment and chemical cementation binds them
Metamorphic Rocks
orginate as igneous or sedimentary
changes by heat and or pressure
changes structure, composirion, texture and appearance
alfred wegner came up with which theory in the 20s and how was it supported
pangea super continent, africa and south africa fit like jigsaw but had no mechanis to explain how continental drift could operate
Seafloor spreading theory
Harry hess in the 60’s
mid oceanic risged are where new crust is formed, magma rises from mantle, ocean floor spreads laterally
so cracks open spews out and makes new seafloor
evidence for seafloor spreading
iron rock is magnetized, becomes oriented toward the magnetic north and the field as reveresed close to 200 times, this explaines the alternating orientation of the ridges on the seafloor
core sampling
analyzing sea bottom sediments which thickness and age increased with increasing distance from oceanic ridges
Divergent boundaries
move away from each other, continuous line of active volcanoes, mid-ocean ridges
Convergent boundaries
plates moving in opposite directions collide "destructive" there are three types 1) oceanic continental 2)oceanic oceanic 3)continental continental
Transform boundaries
two plates slide past each other, transform faults
“conservative” earth quakes happen along fault
Hotspots (mantle plumes)
stationary spots of volcanic activity
plates move over them volcanoes form
as plates move on volcanoes become inactive
what are the 4 volcanic landforms
lava flows
volcanic peaks
volcanic necks
Lava flows
lava spreads outward and cools
solidy in horizontal orientation
resembles stratified sedimentary rock
Volcanic Peaks
volcanoes= surface expressions of subsurface igneous activity
what are the four types of cones (volcanic peaks)
sheild volcanoes
composite volcanoes
lava domes
cinder cones
sheild volcanoes
basaltic magma, quiet eruptions, broad and gently sloping [hawaiin islands]
composite volcanoes
magma mixed chemistry, explosive or quiet eruptions
large, steep and symmetrical
[mnt st helens or baker]
Lava domes
magma high in silica, explosive eruptions
usually small and irregularily shaped
cinder cones
basaltic magma, pyroclastics small and steep
produced when volcano explodes and collapses. a depression with a huge diameter
Volcanic neck
small, sharp spire. throat of an old volcano filled with solidified lave after last eruption