Lecture 8: Polysporangiophytes III Flashcards
What perceentage of angiosperm diversity, do monocots represent?
1/4 (class Liliopsida)
What are characteristics of monocots?
o Formation of single embryonic leaf – cotyledon (first embryonic leaf)
o Atactostelic stem vasculature
o Absence of secondary lateral meristems and therefore no secondary thickening (no secondary wood)
o Parallel leaf venation
o Formation of adventitious roots
What are some of the most important representatives of monocots and their importance?
o Yams – food/ starch source, used in Africa, Asia, Latin-America (high protein content, but few essential AAs)
o Onions – onion family: onion, garlic, chives, leeks; used as spices
o Bananas - fruit
o Gingers - spice
o Agaves – source of food, fibres, soap, medicinals, tequila
o Palms – fruits, rattan, fibres, oils, starch
o Sedges – e.g. Cyperus papyrus (paper reed9
o Cereals – food source
o Lillies – ornamental plants
What are eudicots?
- phylogenetically more advanced dicots (non-magnoliids)
- characterized by the 3-colpate pollen grain (or 3 colpate derived -> mostly more than 3 apertures)
- representing about 3⁄4 of angiosperm diversity
How are eudicots different from magnoliids
cyclic arrangement of floral parts and filamentous stamens
How are eudicots different from monocots
- formation of 2 cotyledons, eustelic stem vasculature,
- formation of secondary wood, taproot formation, and reticulate leaf venation
What are some basal groups of eudicots?
poppy, grape, or cacti families
what subgroups of eudicots are around the same size?
rosids and asterids are two large subgroups
What are characteristics of rosids?
typically have non fused floral parts (i.e., individual tepal, or petal and sepal elements)
What are representatives of rosids
- bean family (=legumes – soybean, alfalfa, peas, peanuts…),
- rose family (apples, pears, plums, peaches…),
- gourd family (melons, cucumbers…), or
- crucifers (cabbage family, with turnip, rapeseed, broccoli, cauliflower, radish, mustard…)
What are characteristics of Asterids
loral elements typically fuse into sympetalous corolla and calyx
What are representatives of Aterids
- the heath family (blueberries, cranberries…),
- mint family (basil, rosemary, thyme, lavender…),
- carrot family (celery, anise, caraway, dill…), or
- daisy family (asters, dandelions, sunflowers, lettuce…)