Lecture 8 Flashcards
Synthetic Biology 3 research programmes
Rational design of genetic logic devices from modular DNA parts
Production of commodity chemicals through redesign of metabolic pathways
Large scale synthesis of microbial genomes
How is Synthetic Biology different? Synthetic biology uses four principles not typically found in genetics, genomics, or molecular biology:
design and modeling
Abstraction - you can use parts/devices/systems without having to worry about how they work.
DNA makes parts.
Parts into devices.
Devices connected to make systems.
parts, devices and systems - connected as self-contained units and combined in any combination you want
Designing and modeling
build a model
test the devices capacity
improves design
tests basic biological assumptions that could be false
Universal DNA
DNA works across host organisms - chassis
Can use parts from any organism
Can use parts made by a computer
case study
Repressilators were first reported in a paper[2] by Michael Elowitz and Stanislas Leibler in 2000. This network was designed from scratch to exhibit a stable oscillation which is reported via the expression of green fluorescent protein, and hence acts like an electrical oscillator system with fixed time periods. The network was implemented in Escherichia coli using standard molecular biology methods and observations were performed that verify that the engineered colonies do indeed exhibit the desired oscillatory behavior.
The repressilator consists of three genes connected in a feedback loop, such that each gene represses the next gene in the loop, and is repressed by the previous gene. In addition, green fluorescent protein is used as a reporter so that the behavior of the network can be observed using fluorescence microscopy.
oscillations are favored by Strong promoters Efficient ribosome-binding sites Tight transcriptional repression Comparable protein and mRNA decay rates
Need for biofuels
Energy security
Economic development
Mitigation of climate change
Biofuel Ethics
Biofuels development should not be at the expense of people’s essential rights
Biofuels should be environmentally sustainable.
Biofuels should contribute to a net reduction of total greenhouse gas emissions and not exacerbate global climate change.
Biofuels should develop in accordance with trade principles that are fair
Costs and benefits of biofuels should be distributed in an equitable way.
If 1-5 then there is a duty to develop such biofuels.
Amyris’s trans-β-Farnesene is produced through fermentation of sugars by yeast. Target genes are selected to change the yeast’s metabolism, converting the yeast from an ethanol-producing organism into a hydro-carbon producing organism.
Amyris’s platform enables the production of selected molecules at high purity levels. It also provides three distinct advantages over the existing sources: first, it efficiently produces compounds that can’t be made by chemical synthesis;
second, it replaces compounds typically derived from plant sources that can’t be extracted reliably; and third, it replaces compounds made from petrochemicals, with renewable compounds.
Amyris pathway to beta-farnesene
Farnesene production begins with sugarcane grown in Brazil, which is fermented and uses yeast to convert the sugar feedstock into ethanol. The company engineers the yeast to convert the sugar into isoprenoids, including farnesene, which separates and is recovered from the fermented sugar. The farnesene is then “finished” to be used in a variety of different products. This is preferable to the previous sources of Farnesene which have primarily been controversial shark liver and the somewhat limited supply of olive oil.
Because fuels are low-margin commodities, biofuel companies need to produce at large volumes to make a profit.
Commercial plants can cost on the order of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Oil price crash from 2014 make it not economically viable
Artemesinin production
In 2015, there were an estimated 429 000 malaria deaths
Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) are recommended by WHO as the first-line treatment for uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria
Derived from Artemesia annua, sweet wormwood
Fluctuating harvest levels each year
Artemisia annula
The plant Artemisia annua (pictured being harvested in Tanzania) was the only source of artemisinin before biochemists invented a synthetic route
Artemisia market +outcome
Brought to market in 2014 by Sanofi
There has been a glut of agricultural artemisinin which has brought market price and demand down
Economics – other manufacturers didn’t want to use Sanofi artemisinin
Sanofi sold factory producing artemisinin to company who will undertake all of steps
Watch this space!
Possible future uses of synthetic & engineered species
To define a minimal set of genetic functions essential for life under ideal laboratory conditions.
To discover the set of genes of currently unknown function that are essential and to determine their functions.
To have a simple system for whole cell modeling.
To modularize the genes for each process in the cell (translation, replication, energy production, etc.) and to design a cell from those modules.
To build more complex cells by adding new functional modules.
- assemble overlapping synthetic DNA olgionucleotides,
- assemble cassettes by homologous recombination
- completely assemble synthetic genome
- genome transplant into a recipient cell
We chose to minimize Mycoplasma mycoides JCVI-syn1.0 the synthetic version of Mycoplasma mycoides because:
It has a small genome (1.08 MB).
It can be readily grown in the laboratory.
We can routinely chemically synthesize its genome and clone it in yeast as a YCp.
We can isolate the synthetic genome out yeast as naked DNA and bring it to life by transplanting it into a recipient mycoplasma cell.
We have developed a suite of tools to genetically engineer its genome.
minimal bacterial cell
We consider a bacterial cell to be minimal if it contains only the genes that are necessary and sufficient to ensure continuous growth under ideal laboratory conditions.
2 ways to minimise
TOP DOWN: Start with the full size viable M. mycoides JCVI syn1.0 synthetic genome. Remove genes and clusters of genes one (or a few) at a time. At each step re-test for viability. Only proceed to the next step if the preceding construction is viable and the doubling time is approximately normal.
BOTTOM UP: Make our best guess as to the genetic and functional composition of a minimal genome and then synthesize it. Craig Venter calls this the Hail Mary genome.
For both approaches, we need to identify genes that are non-essential and are therefore candidates for removal. We are doing this in three ways.
Identify genes with functions that are usually non-essential such as IS elements, R-M systems, integrative and conjugative elements, etc.
Perform global transposon mutagenesis to identify individual genes that can be disrupted without loss of viability.
Bottom up approach
Design and synthesis of a “Hail Mary” genome
Use the Tn5 transposon single gene disruption by insertion map data and our knowledge of essential functions in the cell to make the best guess as to which genes to include in a minimal genome.
Possible future uses of synthetic & engineered species
Increase basic understanding of life
Increase the predictability of synthetic biological circuits
Become a major source of energy
Replace the petrol-chemical industry
Enhance bioremediation
Drive antibiotic and vaccine discovery & production
Gene therapy via stem cell engineering
Challenges in Synthetic Biology
Biology is complex,
and often context-dependent.
Synthesis capabilities far exceed design capabilities.
We know how to build, but not yet what to build.
Potential benefits are enormous.
Food, Energy, Medicine, Industry
Potential risks are real.
Technological improvements are not limited to beneficial use.