Lecture 8 Flashcards
Function of the liver
Etiologies of liver disease
Five causes of acute hepatitis
Clinical presentations of hepatitis
Medical management of hepatitis
hepatitis non A-E
Complication of liver disease
Dental management of hepatitis
Alcoholic liver disease:
What it is and symptoms of fatty liver disease
Medical management and dental management
Oral manifestations and complications of liver disease
Kidney function
Etiologies of kidney disease
What is GFR and what are the stages of GFR
What are the clinical presentations of the stages of GFR?
End stage renal disease complications
Medical management of kidney disease
Explain kidney dialysis
Dental management of patient with kidney disease
Oral manifestations of kidney disease
Treatment planning for patients receiving dialysis
What is HIV and AIDS?
What is the basic pathophysiology of HIV?
How is HIV transmitted and not transmitted?
Incidence and prevalence of HIV
Signs and symptoms of HIV
Lab findings at different stages of HIV
Medical management of HIV
Dental management of HIV patients
Treatment planning considerations
When to treat and when to delay tx for HIV
Common head, neck, and oral manifestations of HIV
Less common head, neck and oral manifestations of HIV
Follow up questions prior to treatment