Lecture 8 Flashcards
OVERVIEW What are the steps of argument reconstruction
step 1: identify the conclusion
- can be explicit or implicit
step 2: identify the premises
- can be explicit or implicit
step 3: apply the principles of charity and faithfulness to your reconstructed argument
True or false: When reconstructing an argument you should identify the conclusion first
True or false: Both premise and conclusions can be implicit
what are the steps of identifying conclusions
- what is the overal point of the text/speech? what does the author want me to believe?
- try to ignore non- arugmentative material
what is implicit conclusion?
sometimes conclusion arent explicitly stated at all
What are the conclusion indicators
it follows that
we may conclude
this proves that
what are the steps of identifying premises
- what are the reasons or evidence offered for the author’s conclusion?
- Try to ignore non-argumentative material
what are the premise indicators
given that
for the reason that
my reasons are as follows
what is the new arugment form
universal modus ponens
all As and Bs
x is an A
Therefore, X is a B
1. every SSH 105 student is awesome
2. Sarah is an SSH 105 student
3. Therefore, Sarah is awesome
what are the other reasons of implicit premises
in many cases of argument analysis, the author has assumptions or premises they haven’t bothered to state
what are the few tips of implicit premises for the 3rd step
follow the principle of charity
- Add implicit premises to ensure the argument is valid
- add implicit premises that are reasonable to accept
follow the principle of faithfulness
- add implicit premises that are consistent with the authors intention
what is specific implicit premises
they are to state the facts about specific individuals or things
example: :” I know i passed the class becaue everyone who did well on the exam passes.”
- everyone who did well on the exam passed the class
- i did well on the exam
- therefore i passed the class
What is general implicit premises
state facts about general categories or kinds
EXAMPLE: That movie was directed by Frank Coraci, it won’t be funny
- This movie was directed by Frank coraci
- All movies directed by Frank Coraci aren’t funny
- this movie won’t be funny
what are the two rules of thumb adding a general implicit premise in an argument
first: true is better than false
second: wide is better than narrow
what is step 3 of the principles of charity and faithfullness
- is this argument as strong as possible
- is this argument consistent with the authors intention
what is cheap vaildy
it is always possible to add a premise to make an argument vaild
EXAMPLE: it will rain tomorrow. My magic 8ball said so
1. my magic 8 ball said it will rain tomorrow
2. Therefore, it will rain tomorrow
THAT IS INVALID bc the 2 premise is false
to make a valid
1. My Magic 8 ball said it will rain tomorrow.
2. If my Magic 8 ball said it will rain
tomorrow, then it would rain tomorrow.
3. Therefore, it will rain tomorrow.
true or false: it is better to add a true and narrow premise than a false and wide presmise