Lecture 5 Flashcards
What are the valid Argument forms?
- Argument by Elimination
1. either P or Q
2. Not P
3. Therefore Q
1. P and Q
2. Therefore P
Modus Ponens
1. If P then Q
2. P
3. Therefore Q
Modus Tollens
1. if P then Q
2. Not Q
3. Therefore not P
Chain arugment
1. if P and q
2. if Q then R
3. Therefore if P then R
1. P if and only if Q
2. Not P
3. Therefore Not Q
What are the invalid argument forms
Affirming the Consequent
1. If P then Q
2. Q
3. Therefore P
Denying the antecedent
1. if P then Q
2. Not P
3. Therefore Not Q
What is the finding vaildity and invaildty tip 1
Tip 1: Find examples to establish invaildity ( Counter examples)
what is the finding vaildity and invaildity tip 2
Tip 2: Look for arguments that follow the same pattern, where validity or invalidity might be easier to idenifty.
Finding Validity and Invalidity Tip3
Check the pattern
- see if it fits within one of the patterns we learned
Two kind of validity
Semantic: Valid because it follows a valid argument form
Modal: Valid because of the meaning of terms
1. if it rains, the ground will be wet
2. it rains
3. Therefore the ground is wet