Lecture 8 Flashcards
Vizualization & common approaches
- Lookup tables
- Kymographs
- Renderings
Movies can visualize the time dimension. Play the images fast over eachother
Vizualizing depth dimension
Make them by moving depth of focus and then stacking.
Visualzing 3D gives a movie.
Lookup tables
Look up tables can be used to convert the grey images to RGB image
Kymographs can also visualize the time dimension. You can construct them along indicated lines. Kymographs are good for 1D movement. The angle of the line in a kymograph tells you about the movement speed.
Making multiple dimension images
- Volume rendering: useful in dynamics
- Surfacte rendering: Uses boundaries thus useful for static objects
Basic principles of volume rendering
Volume rendering keeps density infromation, so is great for changes in rendering.
- Ray tracing
- Maximum intesnsity projection
- Alpha blending
Ray tracing
Accumulation of image formation along the projection rays to make projection image.
Maximum intensity projection
Way of ray tracing.
Records the intensity of a pixel as function of depth. Fast and simple but may result in distorted depth perception.
Alpha blending
Way of ray tracing.
Takes the weighted sum of intensities in a ray. Oi=alphaIi+(1-alpha)Outputi+1
Basic principles of surface rendering
Surface rendering focuses on giving the boundaries of objects. Requires image segmentation and mesh: image -> segmentation -> Meshing -> Rendering -> viewing
- Segmentation
- Meshing
- Marching squares
- Marching cubes
- Shading
Marching squares
Make a contour model with marching squares (intensity). Set a threshold. Assign values to each cell based on binary encoding
Marching cubes
Interpolate original pixel intensities to determine exact line endpoint.
- Flat: Single normal vector per triangle and single color per triangle
- Gouraud: Mean vectors at the triangle vertices. Single color per triangle vertex and interpolated within triangle.
Issues with surface rendering
- Smoothing and thresholding levels influence the result
- Always suse multiple visualizations and explore the complementary information
Alternative visualization methods
- Orthogonal planes
- Shape primitives
- time as depth
Shape primitives
Depth information -> point cloud -> mesh but also primitive detection
time as depth