Lecture 2 Flashcards
Defines the frequency of pixels with certain intensity
Histogram probability
Sum over L-1(H(i))=N
Point operation
Output pixels depends on the corresponding input pixel
Contrast stretching
Smaller intensity range of input and map over entire input.
Intensity inversion
All light parts become dark, all dark become light
Histogram equaliziation
Compute intensity histogram of the image, compute probability function from histogram. Compute cumulative probability function. Apply mapping function. Spread out most frequent intensities. Histogram bins more equal.
Formulas on slide
Neighborhood operations
Each pixel depends on a neighborhood of pixels
Linear shift invariance
Linearity when multiplying and adding input by scalars gives output multiplied by same scalars and added in same way. Shift in input yields shift output
Impulse response
Reaction of any system in response to external change
LSI operation
Fully characterized by impulse response. Formula on slides
Border solutions
- Zero padding: Extend with 0 border
- Clamping: give extra border pixels same value as the ones they have been placed hrizontally
- Repeating: Repeat the image and put next to each other
- Mirroring: mirror pixels at border
Uniform filtering kernel
Take average of all neighbors including own value
Symmetry along x or y, equivalent to first derivative.
1 0 -1
1 0 -1
1 0 -1
Symmetry along x or y. Equal to second derivative
1 0 -1
2 0 -2
1 0 -1
Frequency/fourier domain
Deal with the rate at which the pixel values are changing in spatial domain. low frequencies away, high frequencies amplified so sharp contrast