Lecture 7.2 Trends in Regressors Examples Flashcards
State the case for which Grenander conditions are satisfied when there are trends in the regressors.
State the case for which Grenander conditions are NOT satisfied when there are trends in the regressors.
State the case for which Grenander conditions are satisfied when there are trends in the regressors, and prove that they are satisfied.
State an example of regressors that Grenander conditions are not satisfied. Are both conditions unsatisfied?
Show whether or not the first Grenander condition is satisfied in our example where not both conditions of Grenander are satisfied.
Show whether or not the second Grenander condition is satisfied in our example where not both conditions of Grenander are satisfied.
In the example where not both of the Grenander conditions are satisfied, impose that u_i s are iid. Show what assumption we would need to make on the u_is to be able to make the statement we want.
If the u_i s are normally distributed, do we need to use L-F CLT to make a claim regarding X_n?
Consider X_n below, where u_i is iid(0,1), E(u_i ^3) = /mu , and E(u_i ^4) exists. Show that the second Grenander condition is not satisfied.
Consider the case where z_i = 1/i. Is the estimator consistent? Is it AN? Relate the AN to the distribution of the errors.