Lecture 7.1 Flashcards
Start small: Write the formula for beta hat.
Why would we want to premultiply if we know beta hat is consistent?
What can you say about the second moment of the difference given deterministic z? What is the condition for consistency?
Consider then that we want to pre-multiply by something as in the L-F CLT. Write what it looks like and give the conditions needed for this to work.
Write down the matrix R that we are interested in.
Show how the eigenvalue requirements on R relate to the variance of the least squares normalized by R.
+ also write the formula of the second moment of the normalized least squares to see it
Show what D looks like in the case where z has 2 elements.
Show what R looks like in the case where z has only 2 elements. State the needed assumption.
Derive the stochastic order of magnitude of D(beta hat - beta)
Show the decomposition utilized in the lectures of D(beta hat - beta). Note which part governs the distribution.
Show D(beta hat - beta) in scalar form, using Rn hat.
Given the decomposition, which component’s distribution should we be interested in? Why?
Write the expression we are interested in, in the form required for CLTs. (Hint: start by writing it in scalar form.)
Can we use Lindeberg-Levy CLT? Why?
List the conditions required for L-F CLT.