Lecture 7: Sampling and Enumeration Flashcards
What are the components of a quality assurance plan?
- Number, type, location, timing
- Replication -
- Specific techniques, etc. -
- Preservation (refrigeration, freezing, fixation)
- Duration issues
What are the challenges in sampling?
- Replication: can be difficult to ensure it’s the same
- Little to no baseline data
- Controls: need to find something that doesn’t have the thing you’re researching
- Little to no data in acceptable ranges
What is the function of transects?
You can just sample along the transects instead of the entire sample area
- Ex. a lake, sampling along even x amount of meters
What are some issues to consider in soil/sediment sample collection?
- Contamination: hard to decontaminate such a large drill
- Compaction: a portion of sediment might clog your piston
- Water content: sometimes too much water
How are soil/sediment samples collected?
- Coring: piston corer (can get nice stratification)
- Van Veen grab
Why is aquatic sampling easier than soil/sediment sampling?
- More homogeneous
- Easier to get samples, even remotely
What are some difficulties in aquatic sampling?
- May have to filter/concentrate large volumes of water
Viruses require care
- High volumes
- Adsorption, elution, reconcentration
What are some bottles and nets used in aquatic sampling? When would you use each one?
- Plankton net tows: to isolate microbes of different sizes
- Niskin bottle:
- CTD rosette: measure physical characteristics of water
Compare and contrast crossflow filtration and direct flow filtration.
- Crossflow (aka tangential flow)
- High permeate rate - Direct flow (aka dead-end)
- Low permeate rate
What is eDNA sampling?
- Way to monitor different species in an environment
- Looking at all the DNA in a sample
- Snapshot of total community diversity
How is air sampling conducted?
Impaction on agar
What is enumeration?
Determining how many microbes there are in a sample
What are the difficulties in the environment in enumeration?
- Small size of microbes - hard to see to count
- Hard to determine viability of samples
What is the Great Plate Anomaly?
In certain environments, <1% of microorganisms are cultivable (VBNC)
List viable count methods (aka standard plate count).
- Plate counts and most probable number
- Selective growth medium
What does growth (as in on a plate) represent?
Presence and growth potential
- NOT the environmental potential
- Does not give total count like direct counting
Explain serial dilution.
How do you get the most probably number (MPN)?
- Serial dilution of a liquid sample
- Growth in successive dilutions allows estimation of numbers in original smaple
How is turbidity measured?
Optical density
- Measure how much light passes through the sample
- Use the same media as your blank
What tools are used to take direct counts?
- Microscopic measures
- Counting chamber
- Gridded filters - Epifluorescence microscopy
- Fluoresce when you hit them (natural autofluorescence, acridine orange, DAPI)
What are fluorochromes?
Molecules that emit light in response to irradiation
What is stokes shift?
Emission is always of longer wavelength than excitation
What is photobleaching?
Fading of FCs
What are the advantages and drawback of direct counts?
- Advantages
- Higher numbers (10-100x more than viable counts)
- Not environment-specific
- Correlation with biomass - Drawbacks
- Hard to tell live from dead
- Debris interference
- Inability to take any further analysis (typically fix cells with formaldehyde)
- Laborious
What are automated direct counts?
Digital image analysis software to count cells
- Must be a “clean”, clear, bright sample
- Expensive
What is flow cytometry? When would you use it?
- Analyzes the size, shape, and properties of cells by passing them through a tube single-file and then shooting a laser beam at them
- Soil sample, algal blooms, seawater samples for counting phytoplankton
What is cryopreservation protocol?
Which habitats are easiest to get a representative sample?
A. Soil
B. Seawater
C. Deep subsurface
D. Lake sediment
A. Soil
B. Seawater
C. Deep subsurface
D. Lake sediment