Lecture 7 part II Flashcards
What happens if there is an occlusion in the anterior/posterior spinal arteries
Loss of spinal cord function at level of occlusion (paralysis, loss of sensation, etc)
What happens if there is an occlusion in the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA)
Wallenberg syndrome: Loss of pain and temperature sensation on contralateral side of body/torso, and ipsilateral side of face
What happens if there is an occlusion in the anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA)
Lateral Pontine syndrom: sudden onset of vomiting/vertigo, Ipsilateral loss of sensation to face and ipsilateral face paralysis
What happens if there is an occlusion in the superior cerebellar artery
Ipsilateral limb dysmetria, contralateral loss of sensation
What happens if there is an occlusion in the Pontine artery
contralateral paralysis and loss of sensation. Often results in death, depends on size of infarct
What happens if there is an occlusion in the labyrinthins artery
ipsilateral hearing loss and vertigo
What is the circle of willis
Communicating branches form anastomoses between cerebral aa
Where is the middle cerebral artery
along the lateral fissure (sylvian sulcus) and lateral surface of cerebral cortex
What happens if there is a stroke in a cortical branch of the middle cerebral artery
Because the branches go to the lateral surface of the cortex, there is often contralateral paralysis and sensory loss, and aphasia if it was on the dominant side
What happens if there is an occlusion in a lateral striate branch of the middle artery
Because they supply internal capsule and basal ganglia, hemiplegia often results
What does the posterior cerebral artery supply
occipital and temporal lobes
What happens if there is an occlusion in the posterior cerebral artery
Visual field defects, prosopagnosia, contralateral deficits of CN VII, X, XII, and ipsilateral deficits of CN III
What happens if there is an occlusion in the anterior cerebral artery
contralateral paralysis and sensory loss in leg and foot, Abulia: lack of will or initiative. pronounced passivity, reduced social interactions, emotional responsiveness
What direction does blood from cerebral hemispheres and brain stem drain
Outwards into surface veins
How does blood get to the dural sinuses
cerebral veins drain it there