Lecture 7 (Parental Investment & Parent-Offspring Conflict) - Slides Flashcards
Parental Investment (Why do mothers provide more care than do fathers? 2 Hypothesis)
- Females give more care because the sexes have different goals.
- These hypothesis are not mutually exclusive.
1) Paternity Uncertainty Hypothesis - Females are sure of maternity but there is always a chance of cuckoldry for males (due to internal fertilization)
- Therefore, less advantageous for males to invest compared to moms
2) Mating Opportunity Hypothesis
- Parental effort reduces available mating effort for both men/women
- Mating opportunity is more important for males and missing chances is more costly
- Paternal care should track availability of mates
Benefits of Paternal Investment
- 45% mortality if father leaves before 15th birthday, 20% if stays in hunter-gatherers
- Correlated with academic, social skills and later SES
Factors Influence Parental Care
1 ) Genetic relatedness to offspring
- Selection favours discriminative parental investment, phenotypic resemblance should therefore influence investment more in fathers than mothers
- Platek, Alvergne, Daly & Wilson, Step-parenting evidence, Anderson
2) Ability to convert parental care into fitness
- Homicide, high/low risk infants, Tribers-Willard Hypotehsis, status
3) Alternative uses of the resources available to invest
- Effort allocated to one activity must take away from others (i.e. future reproduction)
- Wilson/Daly(infanticide and moms age and marital status), Marlowe
Platek et al. 2002
1) Genetic Relatedness to Offspring
- Morphed photos of men with an unrelated child
- Presented participant with 3 photos (1 being the self-morph)
- Asked who would you adopt/punish/other questions
- Males across almost all questions have a preference for the self-morph
- Phenotypic resemblance effects males more than females
Alvergne et al. 2009
1) Genetic Relatedness to Offspring
- Hunter-Gatherer polygynous subsitence farmers in senegal
- Gathered parental investment info through interviews and child physical condition (BMI, Biceps), took pictures of family and children
- Asked people to look at 3 adults and decide which of the 3 is the childs father (also did t-shirt smell test)
- Facial resemblance was detectable, odour was not.
- Father child resemblance predicted paternal investment and investment predicted health/size
- Facial cues and odour may be a backup cue of relatedness.
Feelings, resources, cinderella
1) Genetic Relatedness to Offspring
- Step parents spend less $ on tuitino for steps
- Step-moms spend less $ per child, and less likely to have dental/doctor visits
- Preferential reproduction of relatedness
- 57% of step-dads and 25% of step-moms report parental feelings for step kids
- Step-kid/parent interactions are less frequent and more aggressive
- Cinderella effect: step-moms are more emotional distance and punitive to step-kids.
- Hunter-gatherers (see slide)
Step-Parenting (hunter-gatherer)
- Step-dads: spend less time with steps, dont play with them, help less with homework, and some are required to be killed as a condition of marriage.
Anderson et al 1999
- The likelihood of going to university depends on whether dad co-resides with mom and whether he is a step dad
- Step kid living with dad and related kids not living with dad go to uni at equal rates
- Related kid living with dad is highest and step kid without is the worst
Wilson/Daly (Step-parenting & homicide)
- Families with step kids only or with some step kids go to shelters much more
- Uxorcides are substantially higher if mom has only step kids in care, second to mixed family
- Also, step-parents kill step-kids at alarmingly higher rates, especially between years 0-5 compared to genetically related families
- Murders of children by fathers almost double for step dads than for genetic dads. Suicides at the scene for genetic dads is inordinately higher though and implies mental health issues or guilt of actions
Ability to convert care into fitness (homicides, high/low risk infants)
- Homicides for non-relatives go up only at 17 (when they become reproductive)
- Homicides by relatives is highest at youngest age (cuckoldry and best time to do it since you haven’t invested much care)
- Children with congenital abnormalities are more abused and neglected (60% vs. 1.5), Healthy infants receive more positive maternal attention
- 0% parental investment = much less likely to survive
- When fewer resources, high risk infants receive less, but with many resources they will receive more (Once you satisfy basic investment needs you will invest more in high risk to better allocate and maximize fitness)
Trivers-Willard Hypothesis
and evidence
- Parents will produce/invest in sons when parental/environment conditions is good. Daughters when poor
- Poor conditions more costly to males than females (due to variance in reproductive success)
- Among higher classes, girls more likely to be killed.
- Hunter-gatherers: poorer families invest more in daughter’s education
- Sons of high status men attained more years of education than did daughters
- High status men desire sons over daughters
Wilson & Daly (Evidence for 3)
Also married vs. unmarried
- Moms commiting infanticide with their own children MUCH higher when mom is very young.
- When women are young, they have a greater reproductive POTENTIAL, and having a child may be more costly to their future potential as a result
- Might be better to invest in future opportunities at that age
- Infanticide rises again around 35, may be due to congenital effects or slim-pickings
- Unmarried young women commit infanticide way higher than married
- Married old women may have more infanticide because due to marriage are likely to have another opportunity for reproduction if defects occur
what hypothesis does it support
- Studied parental care of children less than 8 y/o in Hadza
- Have polygynous marriages, but divorce is very common resulting in serial monogamy and step parenting
- The less reproductively available women, the more paternal caring supporting Mating Opportunity hypothesis
Parent-Offspring Conflict
parent/offspring perspective w/ 2+ offspring
- Inescapable in sexually reproducing organisms because parent and offspring are not genetically identical thus, what will maximize parental fitness will be different than what maximizes offspring
Parent Perspective: Because offspring have equal reproductive value and relatedness, they are equally valuable to my fitness. Offspring are excessively selfish and should value sibling more than they seem to.
Offspring Perspective: My own future will reproduction will do twice as much for my fitness as my siblings, so I’m more valuable
- High investment demand of current offspring reduces potential investment in future offspring
- If supplementation/weaning is late, mom pays more cost and infant gets more benefit. Vice versa if early (because mom can invest more in other kids)
- Table, Trophoblast, breast feeding, Hunter-gatherers, Perilloux
POC Fitness table
See slide 38
- Investing meal resources into offspring and the benefits to each