Lecture 7 -- CNS Path: categories of injury Flashcards
what happens you cut an axon:
- the site of the cut
- the cell body
- distal to the cut
Site of the cut - swelling
Proximal – central chromatolysis
Distal – Wallerian Degeneration
role –
Supportive, detoxifying role
Astrolytic proliferation to injury
accumuatlion of GFAP
Astrocytic reactions:
- what protein accumulates with reactive astrocytes?
3 other reactions involving astrocytes
GFAP, Gemistocytic Astroycytes
Rosenthal Fibers
Corpora Amalacea
Alz Type 2 Astrocytosis
Astrocytic reactions:
Rosenthal Fibers —
Corpora Amalacea — age related start accumulations
Alz Type 2 Astrocytosis – due to increased ammonia in the blood;
Oligodendrocyte histopath
Inclusions – JC virus in PML
Synuclein positive oligodendroglia inclusion in multiple system atrophy
two types of brain edema –
differences between the two
Cytotoxic Edema – intracellular water; gray matter
cell death leading to incompetence of the cell membrane;
Vasogenic Edema -- Incompetence of the blood brain barrier; Extra-cellular water in gray matter. The endothelial cell tight junctions of the BBB are broken down;
three types of brain herniations:
Transtentorial (Uncal) herniation
Cerebellar Tonsillar herniation
Subfalcine/Cingulate Herniation
Transtentorial (Uncal) herniation
- what is it?
physical findings -
isplacement of the medial temporal lobe over the free edge of the tentorum-cerebellar; compressing Cerebral Peduncles and CN III
CN III damage – ipsilateral eye drops down and out; pupil blown
Cerebral Peduncle damage – contralateral weakness
Cerebellar Tonsillar herniation
what is it?
displacement of the cerebellar tonsils into the foramen magnum compressing the medullary cardiorespiratory centers of the brainstem
can quickly lead to cardiopulmonary arrest
Subfalcine/Cingulate Herniation
what is it?
displacement of the cingulate gyrus under the falx cerebri.
Less Life threatening than previous two
may have LE weakness
Head trauma – Parenchymal brain injury: contusions –
what is a contusion – manifesations?
difference between coup contusion and contra coup contussion
Contusion – “Bruise on the brain”
A large contusion can clot and produce mass effect
May be residual seizure disorders
Coup Contusion – “blow” contusion; contusion at the point of impact (usually blunt trauma to stationary head)
Contra-coup Contusion – contusions opposite to point of impact – usually due to rotational accerlation
Vascular brain Injury:
what are the two types of hematoma?
Epidural Hematoma
Subdural Hematoma
Epidural Hematoma –
where is the blood? Charactersitcally associated with...? Uni vs bilateral? artery vs vein? lethal?
Collection of arterial blood between the dura and skull
almost always associated with skull fracture, ((middle meningeal artery rupture))
almost always unilateral,
Patient can present as OK, but if Enough blood accumulation –> mass effect –> die
Subdural Hematoma -- where is the blood? who is prone? veins vs artery? Progression? what unqiue lesion is seen histologically?
Venous blood collection beneath the dura
Rupture of bridging veins
Older patients (slight brain atrophy which stretches bridging veins) who have head trauma
No skull fracture
Progressive neurologic signs –>mass effect –> Herniation –> Death
Fomation of the Neomembrane
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH) —
where does it typically occur?
what type of aneurysm?
Clinical presentation?
Ruptured sacular aneurysm (branch points of circle of Willis)
Life threatening, thunderclap headache “worst of my life”
Intra-Parenchymal Hemorrhage (Intracerebral hemorrhage)
– what type of aneurysm?
Deep hematoma which occurs spontaneously
Usually associated with long standing hypertensive cerebral vascular disease
Charcot-Bouchard Micro aneurysm
Acute Infarct –> Focal Ischemia
results in what type of necrosis?
Liquefactic necrosis
Global cerebral ischemia
type of necrosis?
Etiologies: Low perfusion (atherosclerosis), decreased blood flow (acute cardiogenic shock); Chronic hypoxia
Pathological manifestation is laminar necrosis
Lacunar Infarct
pathognominc for what type of vascular disease?
particularly with what vessels?
Pathognomic for HTNsive chronic cerebral vascular disease
small penetrating vessls of the circle of Willis that come off at 90 degress (vulnerable to turbulent flow)
which areas of the brain are particularly vulnerable in global ischemia ?
Pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex (layers 3, 5, 6)
Pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus
Purkinje layer of the cerebellum –
histopath appearance of:
acute ischemia
subacute ischemia
Remote ischemia
acute: red/dead neurons
Subacute: edema/foamy
Remote: cavitation