Lecture 7: Basic physiology of muscles Flashcards
Describe skeletal muscle
Large fibres, multinucleate cells
How do skeletal muscle cells appear beneath a microscope?
Describe cardiac muscle
Striated, smaller, branched, unicnucleate
How are cardiac muscle cells joined?
In series by junctions called intercalated disks
Describe smooth muscle fibers
Small, lack striations, spindle shaped cells
What is skeletal muscle attached to?
What muscle types are capable of generating spontaenous action potentials?
Smooth and cardiac
What is the diameter of a skeletal muscle fiber?
How long are skeletal muscle fibers extended?
The entire length of the muscle
What usually innervates a skeletal muscle fiber?
One nerve ending
What membrane encloses a skeletal muscle fiber?
What surrounds the myofibrils?
Sarcoplasm (intracellular fluid)
What does the sarcolemma consist of?
True cell membrane (plasma membrane) and an outer coat
What makes up the outercoat of the sarcolemma?
Thin layer of polysaccharide material containing numerous collagen fibrils
What happens to the sarcollema at the end of a muscle fiber?
The surface layer fuses with a tendon fiber
What do tendon fibers collect into?
Bundles to form muscle tendons
What do muscle tendons connect?
Muscles to bone
What does the sarcoplasm contain large quantities of?
K, Mg, Pi, enzymes
Why are mitochondria abundant in the sarcoplasm?
ATP synthesis
What stores and releases calcium in the sarcoplasm?
Sarcoplasmic reticulum (specialised endoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle)
How many myofibrils do muscle fibers contain?
Several hundred to several thousand
What are myofibrils composed of?
1500 adjacent myosin filaments
3000 actin filaments
What are thick and thin filaments composed of?
Thick: myosin
Thin: Actin
What protein attaches myosin to the Z disk?
What forms between overlapping mysoin and actin filaments?
Cross bridges
A sarcomere stretches from ____ to _____
Z disk
next z disk
The A band consist of…
The entire length of the myosin filament
The I band is…
Light filaments only
How is the sarcoplasmic reticulum arranged?
As a repeating series of networks around the myobrils from one A-I junction to the next
What is the name for where the sarcoplasmic reticulum meets at the A-I junction?
Terminal cisterna
What do cisterna act as reservoirs for?
What are T tubules?
The plasma membrane of the sarcoplasmic reticulum invaginates transverselty to form a tubular system
What is contained in T tubules?
Voltage-sensor proteins
When are voltage-sensor proteins activated?
When the membrane depolarizes inducing the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release Ca2+
What do T tubules and the adjacent cisternae form?
A triad
What else is present in the sarcoplasmic reticulum?
Mitochondria to provide energy
Describe resting stage of the sarcomere
Some interdigitation of thin and thick filaments
The contracted stage with increased interdigitation of thick and thin filaments is also called
Concentric contraction
What name is given to the stretched stage where thin and thick filaments do not interact?
Eccentric contraction
What name is given to the mechanism of contraction of the sarcomere?
Sliding filament mechanism
What does myosin consist of?
6 polypeptide chains: 2 heavy, 4 light (tail and head)
What do thin filaments consist of?
Actin, tropomyosin, troponin
What makes up the backbone of the thin filment?
F-actin (2 in a helix), troponin intermittently attached
What are the loosely bound protein subunits of troponin?
T, I, C