Lecture 7 & 8 Flashcards
Motion perception
Continuous environmental uptake and allows us to group objects.
What is Illusory motion ?
Apparent motion that is perceived motion in a static stimulus e.g. doodle book, movies
Describe illusory motion
Induced motion that uses a stationary frame to create movement.
What type of motion produces retinal motion?
Real motion
Physiological basis of motion - middle temporal area
(V5) is where almost all neurons are direction selective to process where an object is
Newsome and monkeys
Monkey experiment with moving dot displays and measured neuronal firing rate. With increasing coherence between shape direction the more rapidly neurons fire
What are middle temporal neurons specialised to do?
Detect motion direction
The aperture problem
The direction of moving stimulus through a receptive field is ambiguous.
The superior temporal sulcus
Receives projections from the middle temporal area and inferotemporal cortex
Biological motion
Self produced motion of a biological being- real motion that produces retinal motion
Collary discharge theory
Motion perception depends on retinal motion and eye movements. Eyes have 6 muscles with 3 relevant signals.
What are the 3 relevant signals that create motion
Image displacement signal (IDS): an image moves across the retina and successfully stimulates the receptors Motor signal (MS): a motion command is sent from the muscle to the eye muscles Collary discharge signal: copy of the motor signal
Evidence for collary discharge theory
Behavioural evidence: motion perception matches the model predictions
Neural evidence: real motion neurons respond to moving stimuli but not static stimuli
The un-interpreted sensory impressions created by the detection of stimulus
The physiological process of making sense of a sensation