lecture 7 Flashcards
what are the elements in group 2?
beryllium- Be magnesium- Mg calcium-Ca
strontium-Sr barium- Ba Radium-Ra
physical properties: atom size?
smaller than group A1
physical properties: atom size?
smaller than group A1
physical properties: melting point compared with group A1?
higher than group A1
physical properties: why are they a strong reagent?
because they readily lose valance electrons.
physical property that makes radium different.
all its isotopes are radio active
physical properties: divalent and ionic compounds:
are colorless.
physical properties: ionization energy compared to group A1
higher than group 1A
why is the ionization of A2 higher than A1?
because of the higher effective nuclear charge, and smaller size
physical properties: density compared to group A1
less dense than group A1
chemical properties: compared to group A1
less electropositive and less reactive but still reactive.
oxides of group 2A properties.
form basic solution.
melt at higher temperatures.
valance electron configuration.
what is the element in group A2 that doesn’t behave like the rest of them.
properties of beryllium.
steel gray, hard, high melting point, low density, high ressistance to corrosion, non-magnetic.
uses of beryllium
alloys to makes tough springs and non-sparking tools.
x-ray tube windows.
neutron source in nuclear reactor.
rockets and space craft
why is beryllium used in rockets and space crafts?
because of its light weight and strength
sources of beryllium?
bertrandite chemical formula
beryl chemical formula and colors?
why causes the emerald color in beryl?
contaminated by Cr(III)
sources of magniesium?
common in sea water
mineral in nature
occurrence of magnesium
carnallite, dolomite epsomite, electrolysis of molten MgCl2
carnallite chemical formula
dolomite chemical formula
epsomite chemical formula
source of radium
radioactive decay of heavier elements.
extraction of 2A group in general
electrolysis of molten chlorides with sodium chloride to lower the temprature.
the chemical formula for electrolysis of molten chlorides
BeCl2-[electrolysis]-> Be(l) + Cl2
the chemical formula for the extraction of Mg from seawater.
1- Mg^(+2) + CaO -> Mg(OH)2 + Ca^(+2)
2- Mg(OH)2 + 2HCl -> MgCl2 + H2O
3- MgCl2 (aq) -> MgCl2 (s) -> MgCl2 (l)
4- electrolysis
extraction of Be from Beryl formula.
beryl + Na2SiF6 -[heat]-> BeF2 (aq) + Be(OH)2 (s)
- reduction of BeF2
- electrolysis of BeCl2
extraction of Ca
electrolysis of CaCl2 and CaF2
extraction of Strotrium and barium
- reduction of corresponding oxides by Al
- electrolysis of MCl2
uses of magnesium
aircraft, railroads, ships -> aluminum-magnesium alloy
lightweight alloys
reducing agent in the extraction of Si, Ti, Be
organic synthesis -> Gringard reagent
ingredient in fireworks and warning fire.
strong basic hydroxide.
essential to plant life.
why is aluminum-magnesium alloy used in ships and aircraft?
due to its low density.
why is Mg essential to plant life?
it is found in chlorophyll which keeps the molecules in a specific configuration.
Ca occurrence
limestone calcite, marble, dolomite, gypsum (aka plasterboard), fluorite.
marble chemical formula.
dolomite chemical formula.
gypsum chemical formula.
fluorite chemical formula.
why is calcium carbonate important in biology?
dietary supplement, reduces osteoporosis, an antiacid consitutive.
what is portland cement composed of?
dicalcium silicate, tricalcium silicate, tricalcium aluminate.
extraction of Ca from CaCO3
CaCO3 + 2 HCl -> CaCl2 + H2O + CO2
electrolysis of CaCl2
calcium uses.
in biology, portland cement, alloying agent. essential for living systems, forms slaked lime, neutralizing agent in gardening. bones.
flame test results for Ca, Sr, Br
Ca-> orange-red
Sr-> crimson
Br -> apple green
flame test results for Ca, Sr, Br
Ca-> orange-red
Sr-> crimson
Br -> apple green
chemical reaction with oxygen
forms oxides.
chemical reaction with water
forms dihydrogen gas.
chemical reaction with halogens.
forms ionic halides.
chemical reaction with dihydrogen
forms hydrides.
chemical reaction with nitrogen
forms ionic nitrides
chemical reaction with oxides
basic medium (except BeO)
chemical reaction with carbonates
goes through thermal decomposition.
limestone + heat
makes lime
slaked lime reacts with carbon dioxide to make.
BaO2 + 2H2O -> …..
H2O2 + Ba(OH)2