Lecture 6_Matrix algebra Flashcards
What is a matrix?
a two-dimensional ordered array of numbers
What are the numbers within a matrix called?
How are elements in a matrix identified?
(Row #) then (Column #)
What is the order of a matrix?
its size, expressed as the number of its rows and columns.
Matrix Addition & Subtraction
Proceed on an element by element basis
Note: two matrices must be of the same order to permit addition or subtraction
Scalar multiplication
that each element of a matrix is multiplied by the value of the scalar
What conditions must be met for Matrix Multiplication?
the number of columns in the first matrix must equal the number of rows in the second matrix.
What are the dimensions of the resulting product matrix from matrix multiplication?
The resulting product matrix will have the same number of rows as the first matrix and the same number of columns as the second matrix.
Is matrix multiplication commutative?
No (A̅ x B̅) ≠ (B̅ x A̅)
What does it mean to transpose a matrix?
exchange the rows and columns
What are some uses for the transpose of a matrix?
Pre-multiplying D̅ by D̅’ (D̅’ x D̅) gives the Sum of Cross-products matrix for variables X and Y (dividing all elements by sample size gives the variance-covariance matrix)
Matrix division
- no operation directly comparable
- must calculate the inverse [B̅÷ A has to be performed as A̅¯¹B̅ (matrix B is pre-multiplied by A̅¯¹, the inverse of matrix A̅)]
How do you find the inverse of a matrix?
1st - find the determinant (magnitude) [if = 0 → no inverse]
2nd - use determinant as a scalar in the formula (given) to find inverse
What is an Identity matrix?
the result of a matrix multiplied by its inverse
• its diagonal elements are 1s and its off-diagonal elements are all 0s.
How do we obtain the standardized coefficients (βᵢ) and R² from the correlation matrix among the variables.
- find the inverse R̅ᵢᵢ¯¹
- check by multiplying R̅ᵢᵢ x R̅ᵢᵢ¯¹ → identity matrix
- calculate βᵢ by B̅ᵢ = R̅ᵢᵢ¯¹ x R̅ᵢy
- calculate R² = R̅ᵢy x B̅ᵢ
- calculate bᵢ = βᵢ (SDy/SDᵢ)
Working with the diagonal elements of the inverse the correlation matrix among the IVs, we can get the …
standard errors of the regression coefficients (see equation)
A Correlation Matrix …
Summarizes the Bivariate Relations Within a System of 3 or more Variables
What constraints ensure a stable correlation matrix?
- all correlations must be based on the same sample of observations.
- This requires “listwise” deletion, not “pairwise” deletion, when calculating a correlation matrix.
- ensures that the range of values for correlation in the matrix is constrained by the values of all the other correlations within the system.
Always use ___ deletion so that each correlation in
the matrix is based on the same sample (number) of
subjects, even if this means discarding some subjects.
listwise (ensures correlations are constrained)
Pairwise deletion can produce a matrix that is ___?
unstable (the internal constraints among correlations do not hold)
- can produce a negative value for the determinant
If you use pairwise deletion, what is the actual
sample size used in your study?
unknown (different variables may have different numbers)