Lecture 69 - Hypothalamus Flashcards
The Preoptic Area (POA) in the Hypothalamus is imoprtant for regulating _____, Body _____, and _______.
The SCN in the Hypothalamus is responsible for regulating ________ rhythms.
POA –> BP, Body Temp, and Reproduction
SCN –> Circadian Rhythm
In the Medial/Tuberal area of the Hypothalamus, the PVN, Supraoptic (SO) nucleus, Dorsalmedial (DMH) nucleus, Ventromedial (VMH) nucleus, and Arcuate (ARC) nucleus control ________ (both anterior and Posterior) function, Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Preganglionic fibers to regulate _______, feeding, energy balance, _______, and reproduction.
Pituitary function
Growth, feeding, energy balance, Maturation, and Reproduction
In the Medial/Posterior Hypothalamus, the ______ bodies interact with the ________ to control memory and emotion, while the ________ nucleus controls wakefulness and arousal (keep in mind this is the only place in the brain that makes histamine –> hence antihistamine’s effects on sleepiness).
Mammillary bodies
Tuberomamillary nucleus
All tissues of the body have different intrinsic clock cycles and require different amounts of time to adjust to changes in daylight and ______ (from the pineal gland). This may explain Jet lag.
_________ cells are the neurons that project from the Hypothalamus to the PP. ________ cells are the ones that project to the Median Eminence, where they release Neuroendocrine factors into Hypophyseal portal system, so they may act on the AP.
Magnocellular cells
Parvocellular cells
TRH from the Hypothalamus is released from Parvocellular cells in the ______ (and less so the SO).
Parvocellular Paraventricular nucleus (pPVN)
CRH from the Hypothalamus is released from parvocellular cells in the ______ (and less so the SO) –> just like TRH
GnRH from the Hypothalamus is released from cell bodies in the ______ area/Anterior Hypothalamus.
Preoptic Area (POA)/Anterior Hypothalamus
GHRH is released from cell bodies in the _______ nucleus and the Medial Perifornical region of the Lateral Hypothalamus.
SST, which inhibits GH release from the AP, is released from cell bodies in the ______ area, ______ nucleus, and Anterior Periventricular Area that project to the Median Eminence.
GHRH –> ARC and Medial Perifornical region of Lateral Hypo
SST –> Preoptic area (POA), PVN, and Anterior Periventricular area
Prolactin Inhibitory Factor (DOPAMINE) is secreted from cell bodies in the ______ and Ventral part of the Anterior Periventricular Nucleus.
PIF (aka Dopamine) –> ARC and Ventral part of the Anterior periventricular nucleus.
Posterior pituitary hormones are synthesized in the _______ cells of the _______ nucleus and _______ nucleus.
Magnocellular cells
Paraventricular nucleus (PVN)
Supraoptic nucleus (SO)
Stiumlation of the PVN from POMC/CART neurons in the ______ nucleus causes a decrease in food intake and an increase in energy expenditure.
Inhibition of the PVN from NPY/AGRP neurons in the _____ nucleus causes an intense increase in food intake and decrease in energy expenditure.
Keep in mind both _______ (from the pancreas) and ______ (from adipose tissue) Stimulate the _______/_______ neurons and Inhibit the _______/_______ neurons.
Leptin is secreted by ________ (color?) SubQ fat.
Some people have mutations in POMC neuron products. How will these patients appear?
What is different about these patients vs patients that have mutations in the receptors for these products?
They will appear with red hair and fair skin (POMC is the precursor for melanocortins that give hari and skin their color), and they will be vastly overweight.
The difference is there is not treatment for receptor mutation. POMC product mutation can be overcome by giving POMC products exogenously.
Thermoreceptors in the hypothalamus are located in the ______ area.
Preoptic area (POA)
Predatory attack behavior –> controlled by ______ Hypothalamus
Defensive rage behavior –> Controlled by ________ Hypothalamus.
Lateral Hypothalamus
Ventromedial Hypothalamus
The _______ nucleus has a high density of estrogen receptors, and thus is important in regulating female ______ behavior.
The Sexually dimorphic nucleus in the ______ area is important in regulating male ______ behavior.
Ventromedial nucleus (VMH)
Preoptic area (POA)