Lecture 6: Peer Relationships Flashcards
What is a peer? (5)
- Social equals of similar behavioural complexity
- i.e. Understands social norms at same level as everyone else in age group
- Generally only refers to adolescents (10+) b/c younger kids still incapable of separating their identities from their parents
- Similar characteristics → decrease with age i.e. more friends with less similar characteristics, around high school
- Age (usually), gender, SES, personality, attitudes, ethnicity
How are peer relationships different from kids’ relationships with adults? (3)
- Briefer → change friendships very easily and quickly
- Parents, teachers, coaches, etc. present in your life for longer periods and more permanently
- Equal status: horizontal interactions vs. vertical interactions with adults
mixed age peers (6)
- Older and younger child have to adjust their behaviours/cognition to suit each other’s capacities for behaviour and social interaction and common interests
- Older: compassion (perspective taking), assertiveness, leadership b/c younger child tends to look to older child
- Younger: deference, seek assistance
- Mixed age peers are somewhat different from siblings
- Siblings: fixed power structure; older child implied to be the “boss” in the relationship
- Only children learn how to be a leader, seek assistance, and defer through interactions with peers
Harris (1995) (3)
(hint: peer influence)
- Peer influence is powerful and enduring in developmental outcomes
- Peer influence > parental socialization once children get into school
- Can even change how the child acts entirely; specifically, for adolescents/teens
Fuligni & Eccles (1993) (5)
(hint: parenting influence in school)
- Can’t get rid of parenting’s influence even after children go to school
- Greater perceptions of parental power assertion and restrictiveness → extreme peer orientation
- Delinquent + more extreme in internalizing/externalizing problems
- Perception of reduced/similar decision making role → extreme peer orientation, peer (vs. adult) advice seeking
- Adolescents who talk to their parents about problems and seek advice have better developmental outcomes
Kretschmer et al. (2016) (7)
(hint: quality)
- Measured quality of peer interactions and parent factors
- Affection, behavioural confirmation (cooperative activities), and problem behaviour (delinquent activity, substance abuse, anti-social behaviour)
- High Quality (HQ) peer relationships (+)corr. w/ greater affection + behavioural confirmation by parents
- Low Quality Victimized (LQV) peer relationships (+)corr. w/ higher parental problem behaviour
- Lower affection + behavioural confirmation at home → increased risk of LQ + LQV peer relationships
- Low paternal affection → increased risk of deviant activity (only compared to HQ)
- Contrary to expectations, since focus is on how moms influence this
Does attachment style transfer from parents to peers? (4)
- Attachment, associated with parenting: security and protection
- Alliance focussed on love, responsiveness, endurance
Affiliation, associated with peer relations: exploratory system, stimulation
- Alliance focussed on support in times of need, conditional
Markiewicz et al. (2006) (5)
(hint: safe haven)
- Studied 12-28 y/os
- Best friends = safe haven but not a secure base
- Start trusting friends as providers of stress relief, but we learn that parents are a secure base from a younger age
- Parents = secure base
- When romantic partners exist? The romantic partner served as a safe haven and secure base, more so than friends and parents
- Dependency increased with age
Rosenthal & Kobak (2010) (7)
(hint: rankings, safe haven)
- Studied high school and college students
- Ranking of friends, parents, teachers on whether Ps would prefer to go to these people for help assistance + distress relief
- If friends were placed as the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person they’d go to for help in an emergency → internalizing + externalizing problems
- Differs from study saying that best friends can be safe havens
- Previous study looked at high SES and well-adjusted children, weren’t looking at the positive/negative effects of serving as safe havens, just that children were willing to use friends as safe havens
- Also found that when they weren’t using fathers as support figures → higher levels of internalizing + externalizing problems
- Pointing to importance of fathers
patterns of peer interaction before school age (6)
- 0-6 mo: touch, look, smile (depending on temperament)
- 6-12 mo: social partner, influence peers but usually goes unnoticed
- 1-2 y/o: complexity in conversations/exchanges, complementary behaviours (turn-taking), imitation
- 2-3 y/o: share meaning (e.g. role playing), complementary roles (switching roles in playing)
- 4+ y/o: maximize excitement and enjoyment, even more shared meaning, sustained play, don’t want to switch roles all the time
- 5-7 y/o: prefer peer stimulus opposed to adults, same-gender preference
before-school age play behaviour with peers (4)
- Onlooker: half of 2 y/os → watches, doesn’t engage
- Parallel: 2 y/os → plays separately but closely, imitation
- Associative: 3-4 y/os → no organized activity, interest in others but not activity (e.g. just want to run around a field, not play actual games)
- Cooperative: 3-4 y/os → more imagination/cognitive resources needed, role taking, pretend play, cooperative play, complementary roles
patterns of peer interaction during school years (7)
- 6-7 y/o: gender preference; coordinated and successful play
- But perhaps not as much any more in current times
- 7-9 y/o: expectations; seeks peer inclusion, avoid rejection
- 9-11 y/o: complex expectations; want acceptance by same gender peers
- 11-13 y/o: intimacy, marked by similarities (attitudes, expectations) + disclosure
- 13-17 y/o: understanding of the self; romantic relationships, trying to get the intimacy you see from friendships
- 17+ y/o: emotional support expected; intimacy and support from romantic relationships based on experiences in 13-17 y/o
ways peers socialize (4)
- 1) Observation: imitation, social rules, copy peer models
- Often imitate older peer models, models tend to be deviant/delinquent
- 2) Reinforce/Punish: praise vs. criticism, peer pressure
- 3) Social Comparison: self-evaluation and self-esteem
peer status (5)
- Popular
- Average
- Controversial
- Neglected
- Rejected
peer status: popular (2)
- Popular-Prosocial: friendly, calm, resolves disputes, able to join several groups easily and smoothly
- Popular-Aggressive: attractive, “cool”, high social status, narcissistic/arrogant about ability to manipulate others, pose risk for younger children, more delinquent behaviours