Lecture 2: Temperament and Attachment Style Flashcards
What is emotional attachment, as defined by Bowlby? [5]
- The strong affectional ties we feel for key people in our lives.
- Defined by mutual affection and desire for physical proximity.
- Reciprocal relationships lead to synchrony: ability for the mother to be able to meet the infant’s actions or emotions, and sometimes mirror them.
- Sensitive period for emotional attachment: first 3 years of life.
- Recent literature shows that it’s not just the first 3 years that defines attachment; experiences later on can influence this too.
classical theories of emotional attachment [4]
- Classical theories: “I love you because you feed me.”
- Freud: oral stimulation through breastfeeding; infers biologically mother cares;
- Erikson: trust vs. mistrust forms through feeding when the infant is hungry;
- Sears: mother is a secondary reinforcer, reducing the drive for hunger every time she feeds him.
Harlow & Zimmerman (1959) [4]
(hint: attachment, monkeys)
- Baby monkeys given an option of a wire mother that fed them vs. cloth mother that didn’t.
- How long would they spend on each mother?
- Babies spent 17-18 hours a day on the cloth mother, even though it didn’t give them food.
- Comfort is more important than feeding as an inducer of attachment.
alternative theory of emotional attachment [6]
- Alternative theory: “I was born to love you, you were made to love me.”
- Attachment’s purpose is to promote survival; mother provides care to infant so that it survives.
- e.g. Babies have a genetic profile that make them look and act adorable so that we’ll want to take care of them.
- e.g. Imprinting in geese.
- Bowlby: attachment behaviour system; human beings are biologically prepared to form close attachments.
- However, unless there’s learning of how to respond appropriately to one another (baby and mother), secure emotional bonds won’t develop.
Robertson & Bowlby (1952) [8]
(hint: phases of separation)
- Observed 3-year-olds who were kept in the hospital for various time frames.
- Noted that there are different phases depending on how long they’ve been away from their mother.
Protest phase: happens within the first few hours; distressed, crying.
- Reunited: punishes through silence or slight pushing, then settles shortly.
Phase of despair: a day to three days; longer separation, apathetic, withdrawn.
- Reunited: clingy behaviour.
Detachment phase: after three days; independent behaviour, more curious, willing to explore (only demonstrated by some children).
- Reunited: distanced from mother and didn’t go back to mother, perhaps untrusting—the point of no return, difficult to undo.
Schaffer & Emerson (1964) [4]
(hint: 4-stage model of attachment)
- Proposed a four-stage model of attachment to immediate family members.
the strange situation experiment [13]
- Created by Mary Ainsworth.
- Experiment which tests whether the mother serves as a secure base for the infant or a safe haven for the infant.
- Secure base: infants need to rely on mother to feel comfortable about exploring the world.
- Safe haven: infants need to know that they can return to the mother for comfort when afraid.
- Eight stages, each measuring different behaviours:
- Experiment takes mother and baby to playroom, then leaves.
- Mother allows baby to explore and play; mother as secure base.
- Stranger enters room and is silent, then talks to mother; stranger anxiety.
- Mother leaves and stranger interacts with baby; stranger anxiety, separation anxiety, soothed by stranger.
- Mother returns and freets baby, stranger leaves, mother leaves again; reuinion behaviours.
- Baby is alone; separation anxiety.
- Stranger enters and interacts with baby; separation anxiety, soothed by stranger.
- Mother enters and greets baby; reunion behaviours.
Ainsworth’s attachment styles [5]
- Produced from the results of the strange situation experiment.
- Intrestingly, 5-10% of children weren’t able to be categorized.
Main & Solomon (1990) [7]
(hint: insecure-disorganized attachment)
- Tried to account for the 5-10% of children uncategorized by strange situation experiment.
insecure-disorganized attachment: A combination of insecure-resistant and insecure-avoidant characteristics.
- When reunited: contradictory behaviours, rapid shifts between resistance and avoidance, fearful of mother.
- Suggested this was because the kids were afraid of the mom and didn’t know whether or not they could trust the mom.
- Applies to 80% of maltreated infants; parents may be abusive, neglectful, frightening.
- Since parents can’t be frightening the whole time, they’re caring sometimes, which leads to inconsistent parenting and thus a lack of knowing whether to trust or distrust.
- Often have trauma of their own or attachment problems.
What kind of parenting influences attachment? [6]
- Sensitive, responsive, insightful parenting → secure attachment.
- Sensitive parents influence children to become more empathetic and have higher EQ.
- Parents who can perspective-take and read into a child’s thoughts even though they can’t vocalize them.
- Impatient and rejecting parenting → avoidant attachment.
- Intrusive and overstimulating parenting → avoidant attachment.
- Inconsistent parenting → resistant attachment.
What kind of temperament influences attachment? [2]
- Jerome Kagan: Proposed that the strange situation procedure measures difference in temperament, not attachment style.
Kochanska (1998): integrative theory [7]
- Suggests that there’s a temperament-parenting interaction that determines how the infant will form an attachment.
- sensitivity: How parents are able to tailor their caregiving to an infant’s temperament.
- Amount of maternal sensitivity → level of secure attachment.
- secure attachment: When there’s a good fit between the mother’s sensitivity and an infant’s temperament.
- But sensitivity didn’t determine the specific type of insecurity. If maternal sensitivity was low:
- Fearful children → resistant attachment.
- Fearless children → avoidant attachment.
long term effects of secure attachment [6]
- Securely attached kids have:
- Better developmental outcomes,
- Better problem solving abilities,
- More symbolic play,
- More positive and fewer negative emotions,
- Better social skills and perhaps are more popular.
long term effects of insecure attachment [5]
- Insecurely attached kids generally:
- Have worse developmental outcomes,
- Are more socially withdrawn which can lead to peer rejection,
- Are less interested in learning,
- Show more socially deviant behaviours.
internal working models [7]
- Cognitive representation of you and others, used to interpret events and form expectations about relationships.
- Your attachment style can inform your internal working models and schemas of self and relationships, whether they’re positive or negative.
- People with positive internal working models of self and others:
- Have secure primary attachments;
- Have the self-confidence to approach and master new challenges;
- Are able to establish secure, mutual-trust relationships.