Lecture 6 - Market Segmentations and positioning Flashcards
What is market segmentation?
A process of dividing the total heterogeneous market into several homogeneous groups with similar characteristics of interests
What are the bases of market segmentation?
Demographics - age, income, sex, education
Geographics - Urban/rural, country location
Psychographics - Lifestyle personality
Behaviour - Usage rates, benefits sought
Bases of segmenting business markets
Size of account
Number of employees
A Market manager must decide between
How to segment the market
How many segments to focus on
Who will be target markets
What does it mean by product positioning?
The place the product occupies in the mind of the consumers relative to competing products.
-The way the product is “defined” by the consumer on important attributes
Perceptual maps
A graphical respresentation of consumer perceptions of brands on important attributes
Positioning statement
Target market -> need->brand concept -> points of differentiation
To “Market” who “Needs”, company is a “brand concept” that “Differentiation points”
Example of Behaviour segmentation
Dandruff Shampoo, Sensidyne sensitive toothpaste.
Loyalty cards - Plum card - return customers