Lecture 6 - Language Development Flashcards
High Amplitude Sucking Procedure
Used on Infants 0-4 months old.
Utilities infant’s sucking reflex.
Infants hear a sound and sucking reflex is recorded.
More strong sucks= More Interest
HASP - Discrimination
Used to tell if infant’s can differentiate between two sounds.
Same principles as habituation paradigm.
Record how much infants such to one sound until habituated, Then hear a new sound and see if sucking increases.
HASP - Preference
Different stimuli are presented in one minute intervals, sucks recorded, stronger sucks indicated higher preference.
What have HASPs Demonstrated?
Infants prefer speech over artificial sound
Prefer mother’s voice over other woman’s voice
Prefer Native Language
This means that infants can start learning language prior to birth
What is used to distinguish similar speech sounds and why is this important?
Voice Onset Time: Length of time between when air passes through lips and when vocal cords start to vibrate. Important in differentiating similar speech sounds.
What is unique about human perception of speech sounds?
It is categorical despite speech sounds being on a continuum.
Why do humans have categorical speech sound perception?
Helps us focus on linguistically relevant sounds.
Using a HASP Discrimination Test, Researchers found that the ability to categorise speech sounds is innate, True or False?
How is infant speech discrimination different in native language then compared to adults?
Infants can recognise speech sound difference in non-native languages whilst adults can not.
How Does perceptual Narrowing Play a role in Speech Sound Discrimination in Native VS Non-Native languages?
Before 8 Months, easily distinguish between speech sounds in both native and non-native language.
by 12 months, ability becomes refined to only native language.
What is Word Segmentation and When does it Begin?
Around 7 months, the ability to decipher where words begin and end. (lookatthecutepuppy)
What are two methods used for word segmentation in Native Language via Statistical learning?
Distribution of Speech Sounds
Stress Patterning
Different Languages emphasise different parts of a word.
English= First Syllable
French= Second Syllable
Distribution of Speech Sounds
Sounds that appear together more often are likely to be words
Sounds that appear together less often are more likely to be boundaries between words
Speech Development Timeline
Cooing= 2 Months
Babbling= 7 Months
First Words= 12 Months
50 Words Known= 18 Months
2 Months,
Mainly consists of Drawn out vowel sounds
Helps infants familiarise themselves with motor movements for speech
Elicits caregiver responses for back and forth cooing (early conversations)
7 Months,
Repetitive consonant vowels (papapa)
Not culturally or language bound
Deaf Infants and Babbling
Deaf Infants still babble,
Meaning babbling is innate
However deaf Infants exposed to ASL can throw up portions of ASL words meaning that some parts of babbling are based on language exposure.