Lecture 6 - Autism, Asperger's, ADD, ADHD Flashcards
What is the heritability of autism?
What are the proposed causes of Autism?
•Maternal infections
- Rubella, Herpes, TBC, PKU
- might cause other disorders too, like adhd
• Mirror cells are either absent or non-functional
- enlarged brain size in childhood
What is the prevelance of ADHD?
- 4-5% of children, more common in boys
- 60% keep it as adults: leads to them being antisocial and doing drugs
- Common to see in adult prisoners
Outline the ‘A: Deficitis in social communication and social interaction across multiple context’ Diagnostic criteria for autism
A: Deficits in Social Communication and Social Interaction across multiple contexts
- Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity
- back-and-forth, sharing interests, sarcasm, responding to others - Deficits in non-verbal communication
- eye contact/ body language incorrect - Deficits in developing, maintaining and understanding relationships
- problems adjusting behaviour to context
What are the 4 Diagnostic Criteria for Autism
A: Deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts
B: Restrictive Behaviour
C: Must be present early on in developmental period
D: Symptoms cause significant impairment in areas of functioning
Outline ‘B: Restrictive Behaviour’ Diagnostic criteria for Autism
B: Restrictive Behaviour
- Stereotyped or repetitive moments, use of objects, speech
- Preference for sameness, adherence to routines, ritualised patterns
- Restricted, fixated interests
- Sensory overload
If you meet all 4 criteria what are you diagnosed with?
Autism Spectrum Disorder
If you mainly meet the A criteria what are you diagnosed with?
Social (pragmatic) communication disorder
What are the 4 diagnostic criteria for Social (pragmatic) communication disorder?
A: persistant difficulties in the social use of verbal and nonverbal communication
B: This causes limitations in effective communication, social participantion and relationships
C: Onset is in early development
D: Not caused by any other disorder (incl ASD) or low abilities in word structure/ grammar etc
Outline “A: Persistant difficulties in the social use of verbal and nonverbal communication”
A: Persistant difficulties in the social use of verbal and nonverbal communication
- Deficits in using communication for social purposes
- e.g. greeting/ sharing info - Inability to match communication to context/ needs of listener
- Trouble following conversational rules
- e.g. turn taking, gesticulation, rephrasing if confused - Difficulties understanding what is not explicitly stated
- inferences, nonliteral/ ambiguous language
- take things very literally
Culturally varying depending on rules of conversation in that culture
Outline Mirror Cells
- Mirror Cells in the premotor cortex
- Learning how to do things (hence: motor areas)
- also necessary in doing the thing
- Might be implicated in ASD & Pragmatic Communication Disorders
Outline how we change our facial expression to empathise with other person
- We will change our own facial expression when someone else is crying and share their pain
- Corregator Muscle (between eyebrows) contracts when you’re sad - necessary for empathy as you mirror their facial expression
- Those with Botox cant mirror this facial expression - feel less empathic
- research has found that they experience less depression
Whats the DSM criteria for ADHD?
Persistant Pattern of inattention and/ or hyperactivity
- has to be present before 12
- has to be in more than one setting
- generally not focused unless hyper-focus (if really interested)
- persistant pattern over many areas
- Cant be better explained by Sz, or another psychotic disorder: mood, anxiety, dissociative, personality disorders etc - substance abuse
What are gender differences in ADHD roughly?
Girls tend to deal with more attention problems
Boys tend to deal with more hyperactivity problems
What does DSM-5 say ADHD has to interfere with?
- Interefere with or reduce quality of social, academic, or occupational functioning
How many of the symptoms to adults vs children need?
•Adults require 5 or more symptoms
• Children require 6 or more symptoms
- cant be defiance/ reactive - has to be impulsive and hyperactive
What are broad symptoms of inattention (ADD)
- cant sustain or give close attention
- doesnt listen when spoken to
- cant follow instructions
- loses things
- very easily distractable
What are broad symptoms of Hyperactivity & Impulsivity (ADHD)
- Fidgets
- Leaves seat when inappropriate
- Cant play quietly
- Excessive energy, talks, blurts out, cant wait turn
Which Neuropsychological tests do those with ADHD struggle with?
- Spatial working memory - drawing from memory
- Planning & Inhibition - Stroop, mazes,
- Wisconcison card sorting task a bit
- Tower of London test
- Trail making test b (shifting from numbers to letters)
Indicates clear frontal Basal Ganglia issues
What are some potential brain abnormalities in ADHD?
- Enlarged Occipital Lobes
- Smaller Anterior Frontal Regions
- Smaller Caudate Nuclues (In BG)
- Smaller Corpus Callosum
- Higher Density of Dopamine receptors in Caudate and Globus Pallidus (BG) - associated with Dopamine deficit (try and catch it all?)
What do fMRI scans show about brain abnormalities in ADHD?
- Hypoactivation in frontostriatal neurons (basal ganglia)
- Ventral PFC and inferior parietal causes issues with motor inhibition and task switching
- can be corrected through DA stimulants
How can Ritalin help ADHD symptoms?
Because people ADHD children are really active, people thought they had too much dopamine, but they actually have a deficit (indicated by the increase of receptors in Caudate and Globus Pallidus
- So ritalin increases amount of dopamine
- this can regulate symptoms
What is SPECT?
single photon emission computed tomography
- looks at metabolism
What has SPECT found in ADHD
- Reduced Cerebral Blood Flow in Frontal lobe and Basal Ganglia
- Increased CBF in occipital
- why they are easily distracted by visual stimuli - Reduced Glucose metabolism during attention tasks in frontal lobes
What is the combination Hypothesis about ADHD?
- the abnormalities in frontal and striatal dopamine is party due to genetics and partly due to environment
Environment + Genes = atypical brain development
What is going wrong at the synpase for those with ADHD?
The problem occurs during reuptake
- Excess dopamine is being reuptaken by DAT - the Dopamine transporter - reuptakes dopamine too much
What was the initial theory about why stimulants work for ADHD patients
- People thought they worked because:
If you are stimulating even more, it means you will swing back like a pendulum and will become calmer - if they are hyperactive, give them a stimulant, it will make them swing back and become calm
Whats the actual reason why stimulants work for ADHD patients?
- Stimulants work by sitting on the DAT receptor and preventing it from reuptaking dopamine
- They block DAT by 60% = more dopamine in synapse
- sitting on D1 receptor, helps inhibition of behaviour - helps them focus and stop being hyperactive
How does cocaine increase dopamine?
Blocks reuptake
- acts on the D1 receptor
- influences reward system (VTA/ PFC)
- Amphetamines do the same thing
Which neurotransmitters does cocaine and amphetamine also effect
Impacts on D1
- Also has effects on Norepinephrine, serotonin, glutamate and acetylcholine
- all associated with reward
What are the effects of inhibiting Dopamine
Euphoria, energy, confidence, libido
- libido can get too high and cause sexual dysfunction
What are short term side effects of blocking dopamine receptors?
- insomnia
- impulsivity
- tachycardia: when heart goes too fast
- anxiety
- Psychosis
- tweaking
- confusion
- panic attacks
- sexual dysfunction
What are long term side effects of blocking dopamine receptors?
- Tolerance increases - paranoia and aggression as effects start wearing off
- Fewer DA neurons in Substantia Nigra - parkinson symptoms
- Overdose = convulsion, strokes
What is the treatment for ADHD?
Methylphenidate (MPH) - also known as Ritalin
- Works like cocaine
- Blocks 60% of DAT receptors
- causes DA to stay in the synapse much longer
Whats the difference between treated and untreated kids?
- more DAT in striatum (is this because of treatment?)
- Low DAT density in mesencephalon
- Low DAT in striatal Complex/ caudate
- no difference in DAT in putamen
How can you argue that DAT is plastic?
DAT is lowered in response to low DA levels
- if low DA, DAT goes down as its not needed
DAT is increased in response to high DA levels
- therefore, if DA is increased via drugs, DAT will go up
What are the 2 genetics tests?
- Candidate Gene approach
- investigate a specific gene on the known chromose location to test their genotype and relate it to a disorder
- know of a specific gene and see if they have it - Genome scan
- do statistics on genetic markers to locate chromosomal regions
- see what they have
What are the 2 possible candidate genes
- Dopamine Transport gene
- DAT Gene - Dopamine receptor type 4/5
- DRD4/5 Gene
Might be a combination of the two causing hypodopaminergic state
- related to lack of frontal inhibition,
- pleasure seeking/ stimuli seeking
- cant inhibit pleasure seeking behaviour
What are the similarities between ADHD and Parksinsons?
Those with ADHD may have higher risk of Lewy Body disease - associated with Parkinsons
- both associated with low levels of DA in SN
•Parksinsons score high on attention deficit and hyperactivity than controls
•But not on impulsivity, oppositional disorder or social adaptation
Link between parkinsons, lewy body and ADHD is probably not genetic
- might implicate similar DA areas/ receptors
Why do Antipsychotics have such a global impact on the brain?
Because they impact the D2 receptors, which are all over the brain
- hence they help motor control as well as disordered thoughts
What are the proposed Heritability causes of ADHD
You inherit a vulnerability to:
•Dopamine receptor genotypes
•Dopamine transporter genotypes
What are the proposed environmental factors causing ADHD?
- Food colouring (debated)
- Sugar (increases hyperactivity - more so in ADHD?)
- Heavy metals (lead = 2-4X higher in ADHD)
- Smoking Mother (2-4X risk during pregnancy)
- Low birthweight/ premature - causes lots of issues
- TBI as children
- Need the genetic vulnerability too
- and these are not exclusive to ADHD as they all often cause other issues
What are tics in tourettes?
Can be:
- Motor: repeitive/ rapid
- Vocal: utterances/ noises
Urge arises, cannot be repressed/ inhibited
What is prevelance of tourettes syndrome?
- 3-9 in 1000
Boys are 3/4 X more common to get it
Usually gone by adulthood
What is tourettes related to?
Maternal stress, smoking, infections, fetal hypoxia
- note exclusive again
What is Tourettes overlapped with?
Tics can also be seen in ADHD and OCD
- may be related to DA hyperinnervation of striatum
- Used to calm the system down, which is why they increase when they are stressed
- No inhibition from frontal lobes - basal ganglia starts up to calm system down, e.g. via a tic or a checking behaviour
Whats a treatment for Tourettes?
Haldol - an anti-psychotic, a dopamine antagonist
Behavioural intervention - teach them to repress the tics etc
How is serotonin involved?
Serotonin inhibts basal ganglia/ PFC
- why prozac helps for OCD
- might help with ADHD or tourettes