Lecture 6-10 Flashcards
Specific binding
Intensive variable defined as mol substance bound (ligand) per mol protein
Specific activity
Intensive variable defined as µmol rxn product formed per minute per mg enzyme
ATP-dependent mechanoenzymes that facilitate protein folding (ex: molecular chaperones) into active conformation
Levinthal paradox
High number of degrees of freedom in unfolded protein means extremely large number of possible conformations. If folding happened step-wise, time would be astronomically long. Predicts massive parallel search of local conformation
Folding funnnel
Hypothetical depiction of converging paths to native protein structure
Chaperonin protein complex that hydrolyzes 7 ATP in order to assist folding of other proteins. GroES = cap. GroEL = chamber
Prion diseases
Prion = (Pr)oteinaceous (I)nfectious (ON)ly. Found in CNS. Normal protein = PrPc. Aberrant protein form = PrPSc. PrPSc has infectious B-sheet fold and promotes the folding of PrPc into PrPSc
Dissociation constant. Kd = [P][L]/[PL]
Saturation equation
[PL]/[Ptotal] = 1/(1 + Kd/[L])
Hemoglobin (Hb)
8-helix polypeptide subunits. Tetramer of two alpha and two beta subunits. Heme group between helices E and F. Transports O2 from lungs to tissues in RBCs
Myoglobin (Mb)
8-helix polypeptide subunits. Heme group between helices E and F. Muscles use Mb to bind and store O2 for emergency needs. Higher affinity for O2 drives O2 transfer from Hb to Mb in muscles
Hb and Mb structure similarities
Only share 27 identical residues. Demonstrates that extensive sequence similarity is not required for structure similarity. Only require similar residues in critical locations
Monod model
Aka concerted cooperativity model. Hb has two states: T-state and R-state with no hybrid forms (all-or-nothing transition from T to R). T-state preferred when O2 is not bound. O2 binding stabilizes R-state and increases number of Hb in R-state.
More stable conformation of Hb due to more subunit interactions. Lower affinity for O2 because T-conformation pulls Fe2+ out of heme group plane
Higher affinity for O2 because R-conformation aligns Fe2+ in plane with heme ring. Conformation change transmitted to other subunits through subunit interface and leads to changes in all subunit tertiary structures
Koshland model
Aka sequential model. Describes a series of conformational changes as ligand binds. Affinity for O2 increases as more O2 binds to Hb subunits.
Class 1. Catalyze oxidation-reduction rxns.
Ex: ethanol + NAD+ <> acetaldehyde + NADH + H+
Class 2. Catalyze transfer of functional groups.
Ex: glucose + ATP <> glucose-6-P + ADP
Class 3. Catalyze hydrolysis of covalent bonds.
Ex: glucose-6-P + H2O <> glucose + Pi
Class 4. Catalyze elimination/addition of functional groups (creation/removal of double bonds).
Ex: malate <> H2O + fumarate
Class 5. Catalyze intramolecular rearrangements.
Ex: glucose-6-P <> fructose-6-P
Class 6. Catalyze joining of molecules (or molecular groups).
Ex: Glutamate + NH3 + ATP <> Glutamine + ADP + Pi
Unofficial class 7. Convert chemical bond energy into mechanical work. Ex: ATP + Myosin at pos1 <> Myosin at pos2 + ADP + Pi
Equilibrium constant. Keq = [products]/[reactants]. Unaffected by enzymatic catalysis
Delta G (double dagger)
Reaction energy barrier (activation energy)
Covalent catalysis
Covalent bond forms transiently between enzyme and substrate. Helps preserve chemical bond energy during catalysis. Forms adducts or intermediates
AA side-chains modified: Lys, His, Cys, Asp, Thr, Ser
Metal ion catalysis
Use of metal ions in active sites as template, Lewis acid, or redox reagent. Acts as template to bind and orient substrates. Shields and stabilizes negative charges in transition state. Increases acidity of bound water/alcohols. Mediates redox rxns by changing oxidation state. Exploits the Lewis acid and redox properties of active site metal ions
Chymotrypsin active site
Hydrophobic pocket helps bind aromatic ring and dehydrate active site. Catalytic triad: Asp102, His57, Ser195. Ser195 participates in covalent catalysis with help of Asp102 and His 57 to make Ser Oh more nucleophilic. Gly193 and Ser195 use NH atoms to stabilize transition state in oxy-anion hole with H-bonds
Arranging active-site for optimal activity
Induced fit
Binding substrate in ways that stabilize chemical and conformational intermediates of catalysis
Acid-base catalysis
Donating/abstracting protons
Conformational catalysis
Creating a dynamic environment that facilitates chemical changes during catalysis
Transition-state stabilization
Various catalytic elements working together to lower activation energy for each step in catalytic mechanism