Lecture 16-20 Flashcards
NH3 excreting (ex: fish)
Uric acid excreting (ex: birds)
Urea excreting (ex: mammals)
Ornithine transcarbamoylase
Mitochondrial enzyme. Carbamoyl-P comes from mitochondrial CPS-I rxn
Ornithine + carbamoyl-P <> Citrulline + Pi
Argininosuccinate synthase
Cytosolic enzyme. Isomerizes citrulline to form imide and OH, then it adenylates the OH to prime Asp addition
Citrulline + Asp + ATP <> Argininosuccinate + AMP + PPi
Arininosuccinate lyase
Cytosolic enzyme
Argininosuccinate <> Arg + Fumarate
Cytosolic enzyme
Arg + H2O <> Ornithine + Urea
N-acetyl-glutamate synthase (NAGS)
Glu + Arg indicators of high amino acid content. Glu is substrate and Arg allosterically activates NAGS. NAGS deficiency results in hyperammonemia (requires NAG analogue - carbamoylglutamate)
Glu + acetyl-CoA <> N-acetyl-Glu + CoA
N-acetyl-Glu (NAG)
Allosteric activator of CPS-I and needed to start urea cycle.
Ornithine transcarbamoylase disorder
Most common inherited urea cycle disorder. Found in males and heterozygous females. Phenotype ranges from neonatal hyperammonemic coma to asymptomatic adult. Ammonia concentrations can increase rapidly causing ataxia, lethargy, and death.
Arginase disoder
Untreated individuals have episodic hyperammonemia of varying degree (usually not life-threatening). Usually normal at birth and childhood (because Arg required for growth)
Liver acinus
Biological ammonia trap. Endothelial lining is fenestrated (full of openings to expose hepatocytes to blood –> direct contact b/n hepatocytes and blood components). Allows rapid metabolite exchanges b/n liver and blood. Periportal hepatocytes rely on glutaminase and urea cycle. Perivenous scavenger cells use Gln synthetase.
Urea cycle intermediate. Synthesis from diet, cell protein turnover. Broken down into nitric oxide and citrulline.
Creatinine and creatine-P
Uncatalyzed breakdown of creatine-P to creatinine. Yield depends on muscle mass and clearance rate indicates kidney function. Creatine is phosphorylated by ATP to create ATP-buffer in muscles
Synthesized by transamination of aKG (transaminase), reductive deamination (GDH), or hydrolysis (glutaminase)