Lecture 5-Trauma Flashcards
4 traumatic effects on bone tissue
partial or complete break, abnormal displacement or dislocation, disruption to nerve supply, artificially induced shape
types of trauma
fracture, dislocation, modification, miscellaneous
3 causes for fractures
acute injury, repetitive stress, underlying pathology
bone strain can result in 5 breaks
1) Tension 2) compression 3) bending 4) torsion 5) shearing
types of fractures
1) Transverse 2) Oblique 3) spiral 4) comminuted 5) greenstick 6) impacted 7) tension 8) compression
what is a colles fracture?
fracture of distal end of radius caused by falling onto outstretched hand
stress fracture resulting in complete break of neural arch
fracture healing process
1) hematoma formation 2) organization of hematoma 3) formation of fibrous cells 4) formation of primary bony callus 5) transformation of bony callus 6) remodeling of bony callus
fracture complications
1) infections 2) loss of blood supply/nerve damage 3) inadequate/delayed fusion 4) bony deformities 5) traumatic arthritis 6) joint fusion 7) traumatic myositis ossificans
cranial vault fractures typically…
reflect compressional forces
types of cranial vault fractures
radiating and concentric
radiating fractures
bursting fracture that starts inwards and radiates outwards from point of compression
concentric fractures
circumscribe impact site
pointed weapons create…
perforating, often conical, puncture wounds with smooth and sharply defined margins
projectile wounds leave behind…
beveling, imbedded fragments, internal seriations, and round holes