Lecture 5: Life Story 2 Flashcards
Which germ layer forms the epithelium?
Diverse, derived from all germ cell layers
Which germ cell layer forms the GI tract and glandular organs (pancreas, lung, etc.)?
Which germ cell layer forms nervous tissue?
Which germ cell layer forms connective tissue and muscle tissues?
What are the characteristics of the epithelium?
- Cells that cover surfaces and line tubes
- Derived from all germ cell layers
- Cells are closely adjoined, often with specialized junctions
- Little extracellular matrix between cells
- Typically the apical portion is facing a lumen (cavity) or environment, and the basal portion sits on a basement membrane
What are the classifications of epithelia?
- Squamous - flat, irregular in shape
- Cuboidal - Cube shaped
- Columnar - tall, often with specialization
- Transitional - Intermediate between squamous and cuboidal
Where is squamous epithelia found?
Skin, oral mucosa, lines blood vessels (endothelium) and abdominal cavities (mesothelium).
Can be simple (one layer) or stratified (multiple layers)
Where is cuboidal epithelia found?
In ducts Simple structure (one layer)
Where is columnar epithelia found?
In the respiratory and GI tracts
Can be simple (one layer) or pseudostratified (one layer, but appears as multiple)
Where is transitional epithelia found?
In the urinary bladder and ureters only
Stratified (multiple layers)
Exocrine gland
Specialized epithelia where product is secreted into ducts (tubes that drain glands)
Endocrine gland
Specialized epithelia where product is secreted into the blood
Connective tissues (mesoderm)
Bone, cartilage, fat, blood (hematopoietic tissue), fibrous connective tissues
Metabolically and mitotically active cell of connective tissue
1. Will proliferate in response to injury
2. Produces components of the extracellular matrix
ubiquitous in cells
Primitive cell of connective tissue, pleuripotent, will differentiate into other connective tissue cells
Myeloid tissue
Gives rise to the granulocytes of the blood
-Neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, also monocytes, macrophages (platelets)
Lymphoid tissue
Gives rise to lymphocytes of blood and the lymphoid tissue of the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes and elsewhere
Erythroid tissue
Gives rise to red blood cells
What are characteristics of cartilage (mesoderm)?
- Firm, flexible connective tissue
- Cell type is chondrocyte which are contained in lacunae
- Consists of abundant chondroitin sulfate (ground substance) and collagen
- Relatively avascular (limited blood supply)
- 3 types: Hyaline, fibrocartilage, elastic
What are characteristics of Hyaline cartilage?
- Must abundant cartilage
- Present at the joints
- Gives rise to bones by a process called ossification
What are characteristics of fibrocartilage?
- Abundant fibers in collagen
- Present where there is the need to resist compressive forces (shock absorbers), such as the intervertebral discs of the spine
What are characteristics of elastic cartilage?
- Abundant in elastic tissue for flexibility and deformity
2. Found in ear and epiglottis
Bone is specialized connective tissue that is under constant remodeling. What are involved in this process and what do they do?
–Osteoblasts (lay down bone)
–Osteoclasts (remove or degrade existing bone)
–Osteocytes (maintain bone)
Woven bone
Form of bone that is considered immature and is remodeled to form lamellar bone