Lecture 5: Imaging techniques Flashcards
Haematoxylin: Stains _______ dark purple
Periodic Acid- Schiff Reaction: Stains ________ magenta
Nucleic Acids
______________ is a commonly immunohistochemical tecnique. metalloenzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of various organic substrates by hydrogen peroxide, turning them BROWN
Horse Radish Peroxidase
Describe Fluresence Microscopy
The _______ can be changed in FLourescent microscoopy to visualize different wavelengths
___________uses a laser and pinhole aperture to scan a specimen at a specific depth
Confocal Microscopy
The specimen must be coated in a thin film of heavy metal for this technique. Scattering of electrons as a beam of electrons hits each point is recorded by the detector building image of 3D shapes.
Scanning Electron Microscope
Electron scanning technique that requires the specimen to be very thin
Transmission Electron Microscopy
How to study an electron micrograph:
- Note the _______ to keep a sense of proportion.
- The size of the _______ is a useful reference with respect to other organelles.
- Identify the plasma membrane, it defines the limits of the cell.
- _________ are often easy to identify.
- The number of ______ can often tell you the function of the cell and the identity of the tissue.
How to study an electron micrograph:
- Note the scale bar to keep a sense of proportion.
- The size of the nucleus is a useful reference with respect to other organelles.
- Identify the plasma membrane, it defines the limits of the cell.
- Mitochondria are often easy to identify.
- The number of organelles can often tell you the function of the cell and the identity of the tissue.
__________ are actually course granules of several substances such as lipid (fat), glycogen (polysaccharide), zymogen(digestive proteins, e.g.enzymes), melanin (pigment) or others.
Cell Inclusions
__________ have a dense wall and a hollow core and grow via polymeri-sation. They are found throughout the cell. Microfilaments
__________ are found in thin sheets just below the plasma membrane which may be covered on its outer surface by a ________, a filamentous coat of glycoproteins
The space between the nucleus and nuclear envelope is called the __________
The circular gap formed when the inner and outer membrane fuse is called the nuclear ______
Perinuclear Cisterna
Nuclear Pore