Lecture 5 - hallucinogens and NPS Flashcards
What is a hallucinogen?
Most descriptions include a heightened awareness of sensory input and diminished control over what is experienced.
What can LSD and PCP do?
Have the capacity to induce a state of altered perceptions, thought and feelings that are not otherwise experienced except in dreams.
What is PCP?
- First used as an anaesthetic.
- Effects were delirium and hallucinations.
- Then appeared illegally as a peace pill.
How is PCP usually sold?
- As flakes of angel dust (80% purity)
- Soaking tobacco or vegetable matter in liquid PCP (10-30% purity).
- Single doses can contain 1-10 mg.
What are the main ROA for PCP?
- Smoked - rapid effect and high BA.
- Orally - less rapid and less BA (first pass met and delayed effects).
What are the absorption routes for PCP?
- Rapid when inhaled - effects in minutes
- Ingested slower - 1 hour after taken
What is the distribution for PCP?
PCP crosses the blood brain barrier and is
distributed in the brain and blood as well as
other tissues
What is the metabolism process for PCP?
- Undergoes hydroxylation in the liver.
- Half life of 20 hours (the amount of time it takes for a drugs active substance to reduce by half in the body)
What is the elimination process for PCP?
- Following hydroxylation in liver, its then excreted through the kidneys into urine.
- Elim increased if acidic urine.
What is the MOA of PCP?
- Known to effect neurotransmitters like serotonin.
- It has a significant blocking action on
glutamate at NMDA receptors which may
be the reason that some symptoms
experienced are similar to schizophrenia
What are 3 side effects of PCP?
- Hallucinations
- Seizures
- Increased feeling of power
What is LSD?
- Lysergic acid diehtylamine- first synthesised by Hoffman.
- Comes from a fungal derivative of the genus Claviceps purpurea.
- Was used to treat alcoholism, opioid addiction and sexual disorders.
- Known as acid
What is the ROA for LSD?
- Pure form is a crystalline solid which is converted to a colourless liquid for distribution.
- Can be taken as a tablet, powder, gelatin or impregnated piece of paper.
All are forms of ingestion, needs to pass first pass metabolism so reduces BA. Effects felt within 10 minutes.
What is the distribution routes for LSD?
- Found is measurable levels in the brain, liver, spleen and lungs.
- High plasma binding levels.
- Not much known about LSD distribution.
What is the metabolism of LSD like?
LSD can be transformed by
demethylation and aromatic hydroxylation to N-desmethyl-LSD and 13, or 14-hydroxy-LSD.
What is the elimination routes for LSD?
The metabolite hydroxyl-species eventually
form water soluble conjugates which are
excreted into the bile (80 % by dose).
LSD has been measured in the urine 24 h after administration up to 120 h for a reasonably high dose.
What is the MOA for LSD?
- Acts in the brain
- LSD exerts a selective inhibitory effect on
the brain by causing cessation of the
spontaneous firing of serotonin-containing
neurons of the dorsal and median raphe
What are the 3 categories for effects of LSD?
- Physiological - normal functions of living organisms and their parts.
- Psychotomimetic - producing an effect on the mind similar to a psychotic state.
- Psychiatric - relating to mental illness.
What are 3 physiological effects?
- High blood pressure
- Increased heart rate
- Dilation of pupils
What are 3 psychotomimetic effects?
- Hallucinations
- Delusions
- Visual illusions
What are 3 psychotic effects?
- Depressive reactions
- Paranoia
- Flashbacks
What is the name of the effect straight after taking the drug? and what category is felt?
- The trip.
- Psychomimetic effects felt
What are the overall effects of LSD?
- Dependant on the user - effected by personality.
- Most mind altering substance known
- Can cause panic attacks.
- Death not caused by drug itself but LSD-induced suicidal effects and accidental trauma known.
What are the withdrawal effects of LSD?
- No dependence
- After a few days CNS sensitivity to the drug will be fully restored