Lecture 1 - basics Flashcards
What is a narcotic?
Substances that relieve pain and cause sleep
What is a depressant?
Substances that depress the CNS and can cause loss of coordination, impairment of judgement and sleep
What is a stimulant?
Substance that stimulates the CNS. Feelings of wakefulness, decreased fatigue, decreased appetite, and general well-being.
What is a hallucinogen?
Substances that alter vision and auditory, and produce hallucinations.
What does ADME standard for?
Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Elimination
What is effected by administration?
Bioavailability, a measure of how much of the drug passes the “first pass metabolism” and distributed into the body
What are the bio availabilities of each absorption route?
-Intravenous is 100% as goes straight to blood stream
-Intramuscular is less
-Oral is also lower as it has to be digested first
-Inhalation is high as it doesn’t undergo metabolism, passes to the lungs into bloodstream
What can effect bioavailability?
-Surface area
-Blood flow
What is distribution?
Transfer of a substance from one part of the body to another. Adm can effect this.
What is metabolism?
Process by which the structure is altered to facilitate removal from the body. Due to action of enzymes, example of a chemical transformation is oxidation.
What metabolic transformations can happen?
- Active drug to an inactive
-Active drug to another active one
-Production of toxic drug
-Inactive drug to active
What is elimination?
The final removal of and their by products, via kidney and liver.
What is the active site?
The site where the drug acts. All drugs have different side effects as they can potentially act in sights other than their target sites.
How do drugs interact?
- With enzymes, ion channels and carrier molecules but mostly at receptors.
-The function of a receptor is to allow naturally occurring neurotransmitters to create functions within the body.
How do drugs interact at receptors?
-Agonist which stimulate the receptor to increase biochemical process.
-Antagonist blocks the receptor (inhibits) to decrease biochemical process.
What are the main effects of taking drugs?
-Positive reinforcement
-Negative reinforcement (withdrawal)
-Large doses required due to repeated use is tolerance.
-Escalation of a drug is an overdose.
Whatare the different kind of withdrawl methods?
-“Cold turkey” the person just tries to stop.
-Gradual withdrawal - example is methadone which mirrors the effects, make effects less intense
-Support medication - stopped suddenly but given medication (antid) too help.