lecture 5 GD: spianl cord disease Flashcards
when do the spinal cord end
between L1 and L 2
where is the cauda equina
what sacral vertebrae are fused to make up the ___
the cocygeal vertebrae are fused to make the ___ c
sensation of ___ spinal nerves root is level with he pubic bone
what spinal nerve root is level with the abdomen
what spinal nerve root is level with the bottom of the sternum
the intermediolateral column is from which vertebrae levels
the anterior horn is ___ and the posteiror horn is ____
what does the spinothalamic tract do
pain and temperature
what does the dorsal column tracts do
proprioception/ vibration / gross touch
what does the cortiospinal tract do
where does the dorsal column tract cross
internal accurate fibers in medulla
where does the spinothalamc tract cross
anterior commissure
where does the cortiospinal tract cross
pyramidal decussation
where is the parasympathetic in the spinal cord and where is the sympathetic
para - sacral cord
sym- thoracic
what are clues to a spinal cord lesion by the history/exam
-bilateral symptoms
-bladder.bowel/sexual dysfunction
- stiffness in legs
-neck or back pain w flexion/extension
-lherimitte or uhthoff phenomenon
-sensory level
-tight band sensation across trunk or torso
what type of impairments will u get w brownsequard syndrome
contralateral sensory and ipsilateral motor
what impairments will central cord syndrome present with
imparied motor function of UE and sensory impairments for LE
what are the 2 most common complete transverse lesion causes
spinal cord trauma and tumor w cord compression
MOI for complete transverse lesion
hyperflexion or hyper extension
what is the primary injury for SCI
• Vasogenic edema
• Microvessel
• Thrombosis
• Ion imbalance
• Loss of sodium
• Inflammation
• Glutamate
• Free radicals
when does these things happen for SCI
minutes to hours after
what level of injury is the most
cervical injury level
what does quadriplegia mean
loss of movement and sensation in all four limbs
what is paraplegia
loss of movement and sensation in the lower half of the body
what is used as an spinal cord assessment
ASIA .. international scale done in supine
what does the ASIA scale tell us
what section is reserved and what is impacted
what are the key mm groups in ASiA
C5 Elbow flexors
C6 Wrist extensors
C7 Elbow extensors
C8 finger flexors
T1 Small finger abductors
L2 Hip flexors
L3 Knee extensors
L4 Ankle dorsiflexors
L5 Long toe extensor
S1 Ankle plantar flexors
what mm function grading is it if the patient has active movement , full ROM against gravity and moderate resistance in a mm specific position
what mm function grading is it if the patient has active movement , full ROM against gravity
what mm function grading is it if the patient has active movement , full ROM against gravity and sufficient resistance to be considered normal if identified factors were not present
what mm function grading is it if the patient has active movement full ROM with gravity eliminated