Lecture 5 - Epidemiology of Disability in Canada Flashcards
PALS 2001 & 2006
Participation of Active Living Survey
- > conducted by StatCan as a follow up to the 1991 HALS (Health and Activity Limitations Survey)
- > interviews conducted over the phone
- > done in conjunction with 2006 census which allowed for extrapolation of sample to canadian population but excluded northern and aboriginal communities
- > 2 questionnaires (1 for >15yo and one for <15yo which included questionnaire such as: demography, education and employment info; disability: type, number and severity; underlying causes; ICD codes
CSD of 2012 and 2017
Canadian survey on Disability was re-release in 2017 after correction were made
- > more or less the same approach with some differences in how the data was sampled and analyzed
percentage of canadians that have a diability
83.3% NO
16.5% YES
Prevalence of disability by sex in canada
17.7% YES
15.3% YES
disability prevalence in canada by geographical region
17.5% YES
16.3% YES
how have disability rates changed over time
they have changed with time but the variability is probably more related to inconsistencies in sampling methods for the various surveys, than changing trends
factors that are considered when evaluating the disability of children
- Hearing
- Seeing
- Speech
- Mobility
- Agility (difficulty using hands to fingers to grasp and manipulate opjects
- Learning
- Delay (i.e. developmental, physical, intellectual)
- Developmental
- Psychological
- Chronic
11 Other
disability of children under 5
limited info as some types of disabilities are not identified before age 5
- > the most widespread disabilities for children aged 0-4 are those related to a chronic health condition or a developmental delay
- > the transition from home to school is a key time to identify learning disabilities in children
disability in children 5-14
- > learning disabilities and chronic health conditions were the two most frequently reported disabilities
- > speech, psychological and developmental dis. are common in school age children
- > learning and speech disabilities are more common in boys than girls
- > there is a link between agility and mobility disability in kids 5-14
- > half of school aged children with disabilities have multiple disabilities (49%)
factors that are considered when evaluating disability in adults (older than 15)
- Hearing
- Seeing
- Speech
- Mobility
- Agility
- Learning
- Pain (limited in the amount or kind of activities that one can do because of a long term pain that is constant or reoccurs from time to time)
- Developmental
- Psychological
- Memory
- Other
disability in adults over 15
- > pain, agility and mobility are the most common disability
- > women are more likely to experience pain and mobility limitation
- > the prevalence of most types of disabilities increases with age
- > most adults 15 or over have more than one disability
educational attainment of adults with a disability
almost 80% of 25-64yo with disabilities had at least a high school diploma; compared to 89% w/out disabilities
- > the difference between the percentages that had at least a university certificate, diploma, or degree at a bachelors level was large; 14% of person with disabilities vs 27% of those w/out
ICD10 Codes
- Certain infectious and parasitic disease
- Neoplasms (cancers0
- Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving immune mechanics
- Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases
- Mental and behavioural disorders
- Diseases of the nervous system
There are 21 different categories of health conditions that give rise to disability, according to WHO
see slides 36-38
explain the different levels of ICD10 codes
ICD10_1 - > primary cause of PAL
ICD10_2 - > secondary cause of PAL
ICD10_3 - > tertiary cause of pal
main source of disability in canada
are due to musculoskeletal diseases/disorders, followed by circulatory
- > MSK account of 70% of primary underlying causes of PAL in women aged 65-69 but only reaches about 55% of females younger than this age
- > mental and behavioural disorders account for 40% of primary underlying cuases of PAL in men aged 15-19, for women of same groupt its only 20%
Disability profile of Canada
see slide 43
how do disabilities map onto disorders
one would expect that specific disorders (ICD10 codes) could have more than one disability (i.e. a person w/arthritis could have disability due to pain and mobility)
how do indigenous population differ from the rest of society
they’re generally younger so consider this if there is an outlier in this data